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Lev Vostriakov 

On The Way To Self-Transformation 

The successful manager?s image in the museum directors? evaluation is a well-known reference point for possible business-like and personal changes of directors. There is the image of successful manager that allows to determine owing to what personnel resources the museum directors are going to work and grow within their profession.

To clear up the image of successful manager there was a form with 40 questions (to evaluate qualities from 1 to 10, the higher points - the higher position?s figure) offered to museums? directors. In a process of the scale creating we proceeded from the fact that there are no good or bad qualities. Every quality of the scale (total amount - 20) had two polar expressions. For instance, ?ability to take chances? was opposite to ?ability to be cautious?. Such scale?s structure allowed to escape ?instinctive striving for positive qualities?. Couples of polar qualities were situated on the full scale length to escape an instrumental distortion.

Selecting the scale qualities we came out of two principles: firstly, these were qualities which, according to our previous researches? results, composed a group of qualities most necessary for managers of any sphere of activity in the conditions of uncertainty and market relations? setting up.

Secondly, because of manager?s activity specificity they contained such significant indices (reflecting firstly personal specificity), as communication activity, disputed strategies character, risk potential, innovative potential.

According to the obtained results, the museum heads are convinced to the fact that the effective management in the period of market relations may be realized, firstly, on a basis of ?partner?s and communicative qualities? on a background of well-developed emotional understanding partners and colleagues.

It?s universally recognized, that in a process of development of modern museum, as a social institute, providing ?a communication space?, there were communicative qualities that acquire a special meaning for such institution head. Ability to integrate adherents, including those who can support the museum financially, becomes a significant factor of directors? business and personal development.

Four top positions of the successful manager image are held by qualities belonging to a manager, able not only to draw partners to himself, but also to cooperate with them efficiently:

- ability to unite like-minded people

- ability to find good partners, to use their business qualities as effectively as possible

- ability to encourage other?s efforts

- ability to co-operate with other people.

In the top 10 there are represented also such important qualities as ?ability to determine and then to accomplish creative goals?, ?ability to forgive others? mistakes?, ?ability to foresee the events?, ?ability to be responsive to emotional state of other people? and ?striving for something new?.

However, such qualities as ?readiness for any chances?, ?ability to take chances? and ?ability to be always ready to take chances? hold positions from 11 to 20, that shows a slow museum managers understanding of these qualities? importance for an effective management in the conditions of transition to the market economics.

It?s not astonishing. During the years of economic reforms running, the economic mechanism of the cultural branch activity endured minimal changes. The residual principle of the cultural sphere financing doesn?t create conditions for stimulation of effective economic activity. The budgetary financing is aiming to support the existing net of organizations and institutions, because well-timed salary payment in the budgetary sphere is on of the obvious priorities of the social policy. 5 of 9 qualities, which got ?medium? museum directors? evaluation (range: 25-33) : ?possession of some conservatism and rejection of risky decisions?, ?use of traditional approaches which can lead to good results?, ?ability to concentrate one?s attention on one kind of work and to continue working for a rather long period of time?, ?ability to be cautious?, ?cautious attitude towards something which is new, use of traditional approaches as more reliable? - are corresponding to the image of ?old museum director?, successful in the commanding administrative system.

In spite of the fact that re-comprehension of new qualities and movement towards them goes slowly, but it goes! The current situation is that museum heads rejected the ?old image?, but the new one is in a process of creation. That is why it combines both: ?old? and ?new? components. The museum directors? ideas about qualities unnecessary for successful leader are quite demonstrative. Of 7 ?outsider? qualities the lowest are referred to the practice of ?deliberate egocentrism? and ?strict sanctioning?:

- ability to do everything independently

- ability not to forget about one?s own interests

- ability to act following directions of certain

- use of one or two persons as a support in business

- ability not to forget erroneous decisions and their ?authors?

- ability not to notice any emotional experience of other people

- ability to put another person who is waiting for the recognition of his services in ?his place?

These are the qualities having the lowest rating in the series of successful manager qualities.

We can see that Russian managers, as in former times, prefer to rule leaning on ?humane? technologies and escaping strict individualized decisions.


In the present time the museum directors are in the process of active search for a model of their organizations survival on the background of transformation of business and personal qualities. However this process is chaotic and inconsistent.

Museum directors? value orientations queerly combine values of both - ?new market? and pre-perestroika time.

Nevertheless, the common vector of museum institutions? heads development allows to speak about gradual forming of ?new generation? museum directors, what coincides with the world tendencies, and what was described by Shiryn Sewchey: ?New millenium puts new tasks?the ?hybrid director? for the ?hybrid museum? must realize, that his activity may be effectively carried out leaning on 4 important components: complication, responsibility, ability and creativity?.
Posterior researches will be able to show what is different between museum directors and cultural managers and what?s common - in the process of their adaptation.
However, already today we can affirm that the museum directors have necessary potential to carry out a ?breakthrough to new millenium? more successfully than others. We just have to wait for that moment when they will start to realize the advantages.

Lev Vostriakov is the Director of the Department on Culture and Tourism of the Archangel Regional Administration.
Email: vostriakov@dvinaland.ru