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concert with steve piccolo, gak sato, xabier iriondo, special guests

description: Live electronics and unconventional sound sources. Minimal, controlled, intimate sound situations for attentive listening and watching (the group works with a true set design created for each situation in collaboration with visual artists). The vocal parts range through talking blues / oral tradition / lectures on subjects that interest us / spam.

28/03/06 - Jakattak (Tony Light, Xabier Iriondo, Gak Sato, Steve Piccolo) at Esterni show "Arte Momentanea", ex magazzini di Porta Genova, Milan.
18/05/06 - Jakattak in concert at CS Garibaldi, Milan for Trok, also with Simone Massaron.
26/10/06 - Gak Sato composer for Jakattak with Steve Piccolo and Xabier Iriondo at Gheroartè, Milan. Documentation of the event can be seen here
28/11/06 Jakattak improv summit: Xabier Iriondo, Steve Piccolo, Mirko Sabatini, Vincenzo Vasi at Sound Metak, Milan. See some video at http://www.soundmetak.com

future: now being programmed.

costs and logistics: for costs please contact the studio from the mail page. Logistics: concert only for spaces where concentrated, intimate listening is possible. Preliminary research required for set design. Technical sound requirements specified case by case, depending on the performance space.

team: Steve Piccolo (electronic processing and acoustic instruments, voice), Xabier Iriondo (electroacoustic source set), Gak Sato (theremin, toys, live electronics), visual team (case by case for set design, slides, video).


TOP TEN PROJECT on tour starting April 2010.
Steve Piccolo with Gak Sato and Xabier Iriondo

Before the self-inflicted implosion of the record industry top ten charts offered a perhaps distorted but nevertheless intriguing portrait of a historical moment. Steve Piccolo chooses a date, at random, or for some more or less evident reason, and tackles the challenge of reinterpreting the Top Ten songs of that day's hit parade. His voice is the only traditional musical instrument involved, as it is accompanied by theremin, found or constructed objects, old gramophones, etc. For the first tour, the smash hits are from the Top Ten of November 1954.

Prima dell’autoinflitto implosione dell’industria discografica le classifiche offrivano un forse distorto ma pur sempre intrigante ritratto di un momento storico. Steve Piccolo sceglie una data, a caso o per qualche ragione più o meno recondita, e si cimenta con la sfida di reinterpretare le prime dieci canzoni in classifica di quel momento, con la voce ma praticamente senza utilizzare strumenti musicali tradizionali. I suoni vengono da strumenti come il theremin, oggetti trovati e/o costruiti, vecchi grammofoni… Questa volta ci troviamo nel mese di novembre, anno 1954.

“Il passato non è mai morto. Anzi, non è neppure passato”
William Faulkner

“Mi chiedo se, nei fatti, la nuova musica non sia semplicemente la vecchia musica che ritorna”
Glenn Branca, Opinionator, The Score, NY Times blog, 27 nov 2009