Rassegna trasversale di video d'artista

Selezione di Davide Tomaiuolo


Nicola Graziano Pica, Slow Notion
10'33'' 2013 HD
Courtesy dell'artista

L'eliminazione del rifiuto, dell'alterita', dell'estraneo, e' la logica presente in determinate ideologie che disseminano 'nozioni lente', disordine, scompiglio, e appunto, un particolare rallentamento nella quotidianita'. La processualita' della pulizia delle strade rivede gli operatori ecologici notturni negli stessi panni dei carnefici, che nel corso della cronaca recente, hanno causato piccoli ma grandi episodi di 'pulizia etnica'. Il video e' strettamente correlato alla furia razzista consumatasi nei confronti dei venditori senegalesi a Firenze, nella strage del 13 dicembre 2011.

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Linda Jasmin Mayer, Snowcats
9'30'' 2012 DVD
Courtesy dell'artista

In the video work Snowcats, the nightly movement of the machines that prepare the skiing pistes on the Schnalstaler glacier (on 2845m in the Italian Alps) is observed. In wide angled shoots and on a huge distance to the observer, the undefinable lights create, by their movements, an attractive choreography. As the impressive machines come closer, their noises become louder and always more disturbing, until reaching the point, that this aggressive intervention becomes unbearable. The work wants to stimulate a reflection on this brutal intervention in a quite and remote mountain landscape. A huge amount of energy is used to produce snow artificially, to keep the skiing tourism alive, as through global warming the glacier is melting. The solitude of the snowcat drivers in this remote landscape was the the initial thought to accomplish this work. And in another strain of thoughts the paradox in the relation of beauty to perspective is considered. As distance is defining what we perceive and how we evaluate it.