n.b.k. Residency
Heidebrinker Strasse 21
030 2807020 FAX 030 2807019
Sprung, Raum, Viele
dal 8/11/2011 al 12/11/2011

Segnalato da

Anna Prizkau

calendario eventi  :: 


Sprung, Raum, Viele

n.b.k. Residency, Berlin

"The Leap, Space, the Mass" proposes: exhibits, filmscreening, conference with guests. The exhibition 'The Sequences of Refusal or Traces of Collaboration' is collective video-collage, film screening with Anke Haarmann, and conference: Community without Community.

comunicato stampa

Something is making itself felt, in the Arabic world, in Europe, and in the streets of New York, something which can perhaps be understood in terms of a jump, throwing oneself out, a leap: a leap in the unknown, the un-thought and the virtually impossible; relationships forged, new territories outlined –a simultaneous occupation, escaping, remaining and renouncing.

In simultaneous penetration and in the interchangeability of understandings of space, of the happening and of the Community; Sprung, Raum, Viele proposes a level, on which this, in various formats- exhibits, filmscreening, conference with guests, can be negotiated.

In this sense Sprung, Raum, Viele (the Leap, Space, the Mass) is the attempt, departing from the feeling of having something in common, (to share something without an actual shared concrete political experience), to question this communal with the very idea of the communal.

Sequences of Refusal or Traces of Collaboration
9th–13th of November, 6-9 pm (during the public program the visit of the exhibition is limited)
The art of not being governed quite so much, collective video-collage

Film screening with Anke Haarmann
Public Blue: Squatting Public Space
Friday, 11th of November, 7 pm
(Film in Japanese with English subtitles)

Gemeinschaft ohne Gemeinschaft (Community without Community)
Saturday, 12th of November, 2 pm
(Conference in German)
8 Thesen zur Nicht-Gemeinschaft, Berni Doessegger
Kunst und Klassenkampf, Pablo Müller
Einige vorläufige Thesen über den Kommunismus, Jan Rolletschek
Über einen schiefen Lenin sprechen – Fragen und Versuche aus einer fortlaufenden künstlerischen Untersuchung, Elske Rosenfeld
Kunst in Konfliktregionen, Dagmar Reichert

A project conceived and realized by Annatina Caprez, Berni Doessegger, Sibylle Koch und Angela Wittwer.

Opening: Wednesday, 9th of November, 7 pm

Heidebrinker Straße 21, Berlin-Wedding

Sprung, Raum, Viele
dal 8/11/2011 al 12/11/2011

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