WW Gallery
34/35 Hatton Garden
+44 (0)7531342128
Jonathan Gabb
dal 7/1/2013 al 7/2/2013
wednesday, thursday, and friday 11am-6pm, saturday 11am-4pm during exhibitions only. other days open by appointment only.

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Chiara Williams


Jonathan Gabb

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Jonathan Gabb

WW Gallery, London

System. 3D paintings combine acrylics with PVA glues to make unique forms which allude to drips and sweeping paint strokes but confound traditional expectations and techniques.

comunicato stampa

"With a painting, people expect paint on a canvas or pigment in liquid on a flat surface, I’m trying to do something different. I want to stretch the material value of paint in a 3D form to transform it into something else - the paint is freed from a fixed surface and can be viewed as an object."

After a 3 month residency in the studio at the Gallery, WW is pleased to present SYSTEM, a solo show of new works by Jonathan Gabb.

Gabb's three-dimensional paintings combine acrylics with PVA glues to make unique forms which allude to drips and sweeping paint strokes but confound traditional expectations and techniques. Created in the gallery, these new works respond to the natural light of the space as well as the architectural structures of the former jewellery workshops.

With influences as diverse as Baroque and Rococco architectural adornments, Wayne Thiebaud’s Refrigerator Pies where paint comes to resemble frosting on a cake, and Damien Hirst’s abstract yet arbitrary spot paintings, Gabb's work reminds us of the transformative powers of pure materials. Through the manipulation of paint, these installations invite the viewer to question and engage with the colours and forms presented.

"I enjoy the optical element of the work; viewing the work becomes more of an event. The viewer can move around the work; from a side angle it might resemble a pen and ink drawing, then it merges into denser three dimensional forms at another point."

Jonathan Gabb's residency with WW Gallery was a result of winning the WW SOLO Award 2012. From over 300 entries, 37 artists were longlisted for an exhibition at the gallery in August.

A panel of judges including Sheila McGregor (Chief Executive, Axis, the online resource for contemporary art), Helen Sumpter (Art writer and Deputy Visual Art Editor of Time Out London), Kate Davis (Artist & Tutor in Sculpture at the Royal College of Art) and Deb Covell (Artist & Co-founder Platform-A Gallery, Middlesbrough), shortlisted six artists, from which Gabb was selected as the winner of the £1000 prize money, three month residency and solo exhibition.

Alongside SYSTEM, the WW Shop will showcase newly commissioned works from each of the other 5 shortlisted artists: Wendy Nelson, Emma Cousin, Calum James Crowther, Dexter Dymoke and Elly Thomas.

WW SOLO Award 2012 was the first of an ongoing annual award which seeks to support emerging artists. The WW SOLO award offers a structured opportunity for artists working at all stages of their career. With a focus that stretches further than new graduates, WW believes that artists can be ‘emerging’ at any age. Details of WW SOLO Award 2013 will be announced to coincide with Jonathan's exhibition in January.

"The show uncovered such a range of interesting work from artists all over the UK and I very much look forward to seeing what comes of the winner's residency with WW." Sheila MacGregor, Chief Executive, Axis and judge for the WW SOLO Award 2012

"The standard of the work was particularly high and it was a pleasure to be one of the judges for the first WW SOLO Award." Deb Covell, Artist and Co-Founder, Platform A Gallery, and judge for the WW SOLO Award 2012

"There are many ventures like this but WW's SOLO Award feels like it has the right structure to harness and support the energy of new creative talents." Kate Davis, Artist & Tutor in Sculpture at the Royal College of Art and judge for the WW SOLO Award 2012

About the artist

Jonathan Gabb is an artist based in New Cross, London who has been exploring the idea of paint as object since graduating from Cass school of art at London Metropolitan University in 2008. He has participated in a number of group exhibitions at the Islington Arts Factory, the Royal College of Art and took part in a residency at the College of Art, Zagreb, culminating in a show at the Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic.

Opening: Tuesday 8th January 2013, 6-9pm

WW Gallery
34/35 Hatton Garden, London
Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 11am-6pm, Saturday 11am-4pm during exhibitions only. Other days open by appointment only.
Free Admission

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dal 9/10/2013 al 18/10/2013

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