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Hack Mit! event

MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder, Berlin

The gist of the exhibition is to bring children closer to the new technologies like computers, videos, televisions, and at the same time associate those technologies to more traditional art fields, from the classical avant-gardes to the present. Italian and German artists brought together to realise a project where children can playfully learn to use media in a creative way.

comunicato stampa

Medien und Kunst zum Leben/ Media and Art to Live

Curated by: Tatiana Bazzichelli

The HACK MIT! event at MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder is an exhibition and event about art and new media, with a particular focus on the concept of hacking.

The idea is to bring children closed to the new technologies, like computers, videos, televisions, and at the same time associate those technologies to the more traditional art field, from the classical avant-gardes (such as Surrealism, Dadaism, Futurism) to the present. Italian artists and German ones are brought together to realise a project where children can playfully learn to use media. The aim is to provide an approach of using technology in a creative way.

Central concept is the do-it-yourself creation and hacker ethic. Hackers give life to an alternative and independent way of producing information, cultural consciousness and communication. They share the good of knowledge and fight for free communication and access for all, aiming to create and spread knowledge for the public domain.

This way of thinking is very closed to the approach children have to objects and society in general: they learn playing and de-constructing the reality, applying new meanings and unpredictable results to it. Today, many children learn very early how to use computer and technologies, but many of them have no possibility to learn how to use them in a critical and non-commercial way, and understand how media can be easily linked to art and creativity. With this exhibition, they can experience how art can be easy to do, and how technology can be consciously used.

Much research are focused on the bad effect of media in children's perception of reality and the construction of cultural and social paradigms. But if children learn how to use media self-consciously, technology can be an important tool for creating, learning and realising art. Media are considered in their creative possibilities, presented in a historical perspective and highlighted in their diversity from the past to present. Art thus becomes common experience, a field of experimentation with media, offering an opportunity of individual participation in the process of artistic creation.

The history of contemporary art has gradually destroyed the concept of art as a property. It has empowered the spectator as a no longer a passive consumer, but active participant of the artwork. The role of the artist as an all-powerful creator has also been gradually broken up as well, by artistic happenings which require the participation of the audience (from Fluxus to Mail Art) so that a process takes place which is controlled by the creative spontaneity of the people, showing that it is possible to make one's own art and create self-made media.

The idea is to illustrate how art and technology have increasingly converged and how it is possible today, through a self-governed use of media and languages, to practice a "hacking art" and work in truly collaborative fashion. Art makes sense if people can act inside, the artwork becomes a stream of collective patchwork, contaminations, copying, alteration of language codes and icons.

Several workshops will bring together the diverse Italian cultures of hacking and media art with its German counterparts. Children can view interactive models of media and art and can participate in video and computer laboratories. They can create works of art, such as dada-collages, surrealistic sculptures and be involved in mail art process. They can become artists and inventors building up their own television and constructing their own TV show, presenting their ideas in public as real TV "directors". They can do art with a vacuum cleaner and experiment the art of realising and printing stamps.

With: Minimal TV (Giacomo Verde, Federico Bucalossi, Vania Pucci), Freaknet Medialab (Gabriele Zaverio, Aldo Cesar Fagà), Pigreca (Flavia Alman and Sabine Reiff), Simonetta Fadda, Sebastian Luetgert, Vittore Baroni (*), Bjoern Balcke, Anna Laudani and Giuliana Del Zanna.

(*)in networking with: Martha Aitchison (UK), buZ blurr (USA), Gregory T. Byrd (USA), Bruno Capatti (IT), David Dellafiora (Australia), Mike Dickau (USA), Jas W Felter (Canada), John Held Jr. (USA), Jo.Anne Hill (UK), Susanna Lakner (D), Michael Leigh (UK), Graciela Gutièrrez Marx (Argentina), Emilio Morandi (IT), Angela and Peter Netmail (D), Clemente Padin (Uruguay), Franco Piri Focardi (IT), Claudio Romeo (IT), Karla Sachse (D), Gianni Simone (Japan), The Sticker Dude (USA), Giovanni and Renata Strada (IT), Lucien Suel (France), Rod Summers / VEC (The Netherlands), Annina Van Sebroeck and Luc Fierens (Belgium), Reid Wood (USA), Special Guest: Anna Banana.

MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder
Senefelderstr. 5 - Berlin

Hack Mit! event
dal 30/4/2007 al 26/8/2007

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