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Feedforward. The Angel of History

LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre, Gijon

Cleaning up after the 20th century. What is progress now? The exhibition features 29 artworks by 27 artists and artist teams. A complex picture of the global political and social forces that drive us forward. The show displays both the problematic aspects of the present and future, and the potential for collectivity and responsible action. At the nadir of the current global economic crisis, Feedforward is in effect about cleaning up after the 20th century and asks the question, what is progress now? Works by AES+F, Christopher Baker, Stella Brennan, Paul Chan, Nancy Davenport...

comunicato stampa

On thursday, october 22, Laboral inaugurates Feedforward. El ángel de la historia, a reflection on progress.
At the same time, el Centro de Arte will organise a symposium on friday and saturday, october 23 and 24. Theorists and artists will discuss how globalisation, the economic crisis and the world's current conflicts affect artistic creation.

Thursday, October 22, LABoral will inaugurate Feedforward. El ángel de la Historia, an exhibition that deals with the present moment in history in which the remains of political conflict and economic disparity cumulate ever higher while the forces of globalisation, reinforced in large part by the "progress" of digital information technology, push us inexorably forward.
The exhibition includes 31 works of art by 27 creators and teams of artists.
The curators are Steve Dietz, Artistic Director of the 01SJ Bienial, and Christiane Paul, Director of media Graduate studies, New School, NY, and Adjunct New Media Arts Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art. The exhibition will be open at El Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial until April 5, 2010.

The title of the work refers to Paul Klee’s painting, Angelus Novus, that, as is well known, Walter Benjamin intepreted as an “angel of history” that has been paralysed by the ruins of the past piled up before him while a windstorm pushes him backwards from paradise towards an uncertain future (progress).

Like a rearview mirror of progress, the projects are presented in sections related to five themes: the "remains" of the 20th century generated by wars and conflicts, counterneasures of control and repression instituted as much by the State as by global captial in its attempt to maintain control, the aesthetics and language symbolic of the media of our times, the forces of economic globalisation such as outsourcing or migration and the possibilities for reconstruction and capacity for action.

In conjunction with the exhibition, on Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24, LABoral has organised an International Symposium with the same title in which theorists and artists will explore, through panel discussions, the five main themes of the exhibit.

CURATORS: Christiane Paul & Steve Dietz

ARTISTS: AES+F, Christopher Baker, Stella Brennan, Paul Chan, Nancy Davenport, Nonny de la Peña y Peggy Weil, Hasan Elahi, Cao Fei, Bárbara Fluxá, Daniel García Andújar, Fernando García-Dory, Goldin + Senneby, Harwood, Wright, Yokokoji, Knowbotic Research + Peter Sandbichler, Langlands + Bell, Jennifer + Kevin McCoy, Margot Lovejoy, Naeem Mohaiemen, Ali Momeni + Robin Mandel, Carlos Motta, Trevor Paglen, Rachael Rakena, Fez Fa'anana, Brian Fuata, Stephanie Rothenberg + Jeff Crouse, System-77CCR Consortium, Piotr Szyhalski, Tamiko Thiel + Teresa Reuter, Carey Young

Image: Christopher Baker, Hello World! or: How I learned to Stop Listening (2008). Installation

EXHIBITION DESIGN: Ángel Borrego – Office for Strategic Spaces

Friday, October
10:30 – 12:00
El Ángel de la Historia: El Arte y el Lenguaje de los Media [The art and
language of the media]
Moderators: Christiane Paul, Steve Dietz (Exhibition Curators)
Participants: Chris Baker (artist), Margot Lovejoy (artist), Sarah Cook
(Researcher at the University of Sunderland), Tamiko Thiel (artist).

12:30 – 14:00
Arte = Kapital | Arte y Economía Global [Art and the global economy]
Moderator: Jose Carlos Mariategui
Participants: Angus Cameron (Professor of Human Geography, University of
Leicester), Stephanie Rothenberg (artist), Tiziana Terranova (Associate
Professor of Sociology of Communications, Universidad de Nápoles
L ́Orientale)

15:30 – 17:00
Arte y Conflicto: Representando las ruinas [Art and Conflict: representing
the ruins]
Moderators: Christiane Paul, Steve Dietz (Exhibition Curators)
Participants: Barbara Fluxá (artist), Esther Leslie (Professor of Aesthetic
Policy, London University), Naeem Mohaiemen (artist), Piotr Szyhalski (artist)

17:30 – 18:45
Contramedidas: Vigilancia/Vigilancia Inversa y Simulaciones de la
Historia [Countermeasures: Surveillance/countersurveillance and the
simulations of History ]
Moderators: Christiane Paul, Steve Dietz (Exhibition Curators)
Participants: Hasan Elahi (artist), Konrad Becker (artist), Nonny de la Peña
and Peggy Weil (artists), Marco Peljhan (artist), Christian Huebler-
Knowbotic Research, Tom Levin (researcher, curator and artist),
Saturday, October 24

10:30 – 12:00
¿Y ahora qué? Arte, Producción cultural [What now? Art, cultural
Moderator: Jaron Rowan and Clara Piazuelo (YProductions)
Participants: Tere Badía (Researcher and Cultural Producer), Emmanuel
Rodríguez, (Researcher and Co-founder of the Nomad University), Graham
Harwood (artist)

12:30 – 14:00
¿Y ahora qué? Arte, Activismo y las Posibilidades de la Democracia
[What now? Art, activism and the possibilities of democracy]
Moderators: Eric Kluitenberg (Independent writer, Theorist and Cultural
Producer of Media and Technology)
Participants: Daniel G. Andujar (artist), Fernando García Dory (artist), Carlos
Motta (artist), Ali Momeni (artist)

15:30 – 17:00
Round table discussion

Telephone: +34 985 133431 E-mail:

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados, 121 - 33394 Gijón (Asturias) Spain
Opening Hours: Wednesday to Monday, 12 noon - 8 pm

A screaming comes across the sky
dal 9/10/2014 al 7/3/2015

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