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Tue Nov 23 17:49:03 2010RandomTue Nov 23 17:44:14 2010


In 1957, some months before the launch of the satellite, at an exposition in Marina di Carrara, we’ve launched the first program Astral, issued orally to an heterogeneous audience of poets, sailors, artists, fishermen, philosophers and thinkers. In February '59, in an interview with RAI, we released the main points of the "atomic-astral" paint, whose parameters were broadcast at 12.45 on TG of 13-2-1959-FI-2. Nearly three years later the third astral edition of is spread.
1) Art is the projection of the time. The age is now "atomic-astral". The art is atomic-astral.
2) With the radar of fantasy we will produce astral colors previously unknown.
3) We will use all the techniques that abstract art has left us, but we do not consider the experimental as an end in itself. The technique is means art.
4) The abstract is the art of yesterday. The astral is the art of today. We do not know whether the universe is destined to fade. We contrasts this dubt with the statement: WE ARE IN UNIVERSE, so we are.
5) The astral is the life condition of modern man whose spirit has received a shock because of the marvelous scientific discoveries. Heraclitus had already guessed the atomistic forces of the universe. We are at the center of a new Renaissance. The painting, art atomic-astral, reflects the duality of joy-anguish. Joy and spiritual exaltation, becouse we are in the astral universe, particles reason that coming soon will be in communion with other particles reason of other astral worlds. Anguish, despair, for the awareness of destructive danger of atomic discoveries.
6) In the great periods of artistic maturity as the XIV CENTURY and the RENAISSANCE, art expresses the existential condition of the times. Giotto expressed the grace and delicacy, the spirit of geometry of the Tuscan landscape, the bright purity of the poets of the “dolce stil novo”(sweet new style) and this was eurythmy, longings of his time, so as MICHELANGELO expressed, with the spirit of power, the grandeur of his time, the yearning for new discoveries (as Leonardo) man’s as CENTER OF UNIVERSE. Today, the astral is a reflection of our time. Of this very dynamic, new marvelous renaissance.

Sonia Costa
Tue Nov 23 17:47:36 2010

Tue Nov 23 17:49:03 2010RandomTue Nov 23 17:44:14 2010