an installation of the swiss artist Stéphane Dafflon and large size drawings by the austrian Raimund Märzinger
Within an installation of the Swiss artist Stéphane Dafflon, the gallery is
showing objects, photographs, prints and drawings, which were produced by JRP
Editions in Switzerland. Founded in Geneva 1997, JRP Editions does more than
just publishing editions: it is a production place for contemporary art. In an
intensive collaboration with the artists, JRP develops objects as well as new
modes of presentation and publication.
Works of the following artist are presented:
Francis Baudevin, Stéphane Dafflon, Liam Gillick, Fabrice Gygi, Richard Hoeck,
Pierre Huyghe, M/M, John Miller, Robert Morris, Olivier Mosset, Steven Parrino,
Philippe Parreno, Mai-Thu Perret, Allen Ruppersberg, John Tremblay and Xavier
Raimund Märzinger
On the first floor, the Austrian Raimund Märzinger is presenting in his first
solo-exhibition large size drawings. They develop a net of structures and
relations, which link moments of his life to constructed organisations: the
lifeguards in Geneva, the film director and the writer Märzinger. His own
identity melts into those invented biographies.
Raimund Märzinger
* 1973 in Wels, Austria
Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna (A)
Ecole Supèrieur d'art Visuel, Geneva (CH)
Image: Xavier Veilhan Les Crânes, 2000 polyester resin and brown paint Ed. 12 75 x 48 x 48 cm Courtesy Galerie Marin Janda, Vienna
Galerie Martin Janda Raum aktueller Kunst, Eschenbachgasse 11 A-1010 Vienna / Austria
Tue-Fri 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat 11 AM - 3 PM