The exhibition spans almost two centuries, bringing together both pioneering works and contemporary images, created by well-known figures and anonymous individuals (and in some cases even by machines). Images are presented as a means of exploring, measuring and understanding processes that reveal the natural world and its evolution. The understanding of nature that underlies the show is both broad and precise.
Curated by Pablo LLorca
Measurable focuses on the ability of images – mainly photographic, but also film, video, and even
spectrographic images – to analyse and explore reality in a wide range of scientific aspects related to
nature. The understanding of nature that underlies the exhibition is both broad and precise, encompassing
the cosmos, geology, volcanology, and the human body – from the skin out, as well as its internal workings.
Images are presented as a means of exploring, measuring and understanding processes that reveal the
natural world and its evolution. Though not originally created as works of art or generally regarded as such,
these images possess an undeniable beauty. Most are descriptive and functional, and they figure
prominently in the iconography of our times.
The image of the Earth provided by a satellite for climate predictions, a camera that monitors a
volcano in Antarctica, pioneering photographs used to measure the human body (taken in 1853), the first
botanical compilation in history, in beautiful blue prints, the landscapes of Mars taken by a device on the
planet’s surface... Measurable traces a historical arc from the first years of photography to the present day
and examines the relationship between images and our knowledge of nature, understood in the broad and
precise sense mentioned above. These images contribute to scientific knowledge, research, and
dissemination, and allow us to explore nature.
The exhibition spans almost two centuries, bringing together both pioneering works and
contemporary images, created by well-known figures and anonymous individuals (and in some cases even
by machines). The origins of the works featured are diverse, with images from numerous European and
North American collections, as well as sources that can be accessed online. The association between
beauty and utility, between beauty and knowledge, is central to the show.
Pablo Llorca
Collections that have loaned works:
Archivo Peña Guara, Huesca I Basic Books, Nueva York I Bibliotheque National de France, Paris I
Société de Géographie, París I Centre Excursionista de Catalunya I Colección José Luis Acín I
Colección Esteban Anía I Colección Fernando Biarge I Colección Enrique Carbó I Colección Hans-
Peter Feldmann I Colección Lassus I Colección Telefónica, Madrid I Colección IES Vega del Turia,
Teruel. Diputación General de Aragón I Departamento de Medio Ambiente. Gobierno de Aragón I Die
Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur,Cologne I Filmoteca Española, Madrid I Fondo Ricardo
Compairé. Fototeca, Diputación de Huesca I Fototeca de la Diputación de Huesca I Instituto de
Ciencias del Mar - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Barcelona I Macmillan
Publishers Ltd., Londres I Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory, Antártida I Musée des Collections
Historiques de la Préfecture de Police, Paris I Musée Pyrénéen Château-Fort, Lourdes I Museo de
Bielsa I Musée Nacional d’Historie Naturelle, Paris I Nacional Media Museum, UK / SSLP I NASA,
Washington I Observatoire de Paris I Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, Scotland I Societé Française de
Photographie, Paris I Studio Alix, Bagnères-de-Bigorre I The Royal Anthropological Institute, Londres I
Unviersität der Künste Berlin, Universitärchiv I Wellcome Library, Londres
Image: Portraits parlés, tableaux synoptique de 24 oreilles, h. 1890
Alphonse de Bertillon. Musée des Collections Historiques
de la Préfecture de Police. París
Communication and dissemination: Victoria Falco Tel. +34 974 23 98 93
CDAN Centro de Arte y Naturaleza
Fundación Beulas
C/ Doctor Artero, s/n Huesca 22004 Spain
Mornings: 11 am to 2 pm; afternoons 5 pm to 9 pm
Sundays and public holidays: 10 am to 2 pm; afternoons 5 pm to 9 pm
Mondays (except public holidays): closed
Free guided tours
Saturdays at 12 noon and 6pm
Sundays and public holidays at 12 noon
Free admission
Group visits by arrangement