KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststrasse 69
030 2434590
Miss read
dal 2/9/2010 al 4/9/2010
Friday 3 - 7 pm, Saturday noon - 7 pm, Sunday noon - 7 pm

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KW Institute for Contemporary Art

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Miss read

KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin

International publishers and artists show their artist books. Presenting a selection of more than 40 of the most active contributors in this field, the festival provides the rare opportunity to encounter and explore the contemporary scene of independent publishing.

comunicato stampa

Anita Di Bianco, Berlin/New York | Archive Books, Berlin/Turin | Archive of Modern Conflict, London | argobooks, Berlin | Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch, Berlin | Bartleby & Co., Brussels | Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam | Book Works, London | Chicago – Times – Plotter [...] Paper – Libertine – Trixie, Vienna | documentation céline duval, Houlgate | Edie Fake, Chicago | Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich | Erik Steinbrecher, Berlin | Eva Weinmayr, London | Fucking Good Art, Rotterdam | GAGARIN, Antwerp | GRAPHIC, Seoul | Half Letter Press/Temporary Services, Chicago | Mediabus, Seoul | Michael Baers, Berlin | Michalis Pichler/"greatest hits", Berlin | Mladen Stilinović, Zagreb | Mörel Books, London | no press/derek beaulieu, Calgary | Piktogram/Bureau of Loose Associations, Warsaw | Regency Arts Press Ltd., New York | Revolver Publishing, Berlin | Roma Publications, Amsterdam | Samandal, Beirut | Space Poetry, Copenhagen | Spector Books, Leipzig | Sternberg Press, Berlin/New York | The Green Box, Berlin | Torpedo Press, Oslo | Ugly Duckling Presse, New York | (un)limited store, Marseille | Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne | Weproductions, Deuchar Mill, Yarrow | Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Ljubljana | ZINE'S MATE, Tokyo

For the second time MISS READ has invited international publishers and artists to show their artist books at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. Presenting a selection of more than 40 of the most active contributors in this field, the festival provides the rare opportunity to encounter and explore the contemporary scene of independent publishing.

MISS READ will be accompanied by a number of lectures, performances and talks by Brett Bloom (Half Letter Press/Temporary Services), Eva Weinmayr, Fillip and others; a program co-curated by Christoph Keller.

For further details and the accompanying program please consult the website

MISS READ takes place in conjunction with Unter dem Motto 2010 at Motto, Berlin-Kreuzberg (

MISS READ is a collaboration of KW Institute for Contemporary Art and the Berlin-based publishers argobooks and Michalis Pichler. Project management KW: Anke Schleper.

The festival is co-financed by the European Union (European Fund for Regional Development. Investing in Your Future.)

Further Information:
Denhart v. Harling . T +49. 30. 243459. 42 .

KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststrasse 69 - 10117 Berlin
Opening hours:
Friday, September 3, 3 – 7 pm
Saturday, September 4, noon – 7 pm
Sunday, September 5, noon – 7 pm

Batia Suter
dal 4/12/2015 al 16/1/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
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