Hina Struver
Matti Wuthrich
Ping Qiu
Sylvia Hostettler
Christian Gonzenbach
Pe Lang
Pablo Ventura
Claudia Tolusso
Alexandre Joly
Wenfeng Liao
Jordi Canudas
Santiago Cirugeda
Josep-Maria Martín
Tanit Plana
Laia Sole'
Irene Hediguer
Ramon Parramon
Catalysts. Art, education, territory is an exhibition showcasing art projects and participatory processes which are grounded in a direct relationship with a particular local context. Think Art, Act Science is a show of projects by artists who have engaged in dialogue with scientists from a variety of disciplines. All of the artists taking part in the Swiss artists-in-labs programme have done a nine-month residency in a scientific research institute or a university science department.
Catalysts. Art, education, territory
Curated by Ramon Parramon
Amasté, Jordi Canudas, Santiago Cirugeda, Democracia, Josep-Maria Martín, Tanit Plana, Sinapsis, Laia Solé
CATALYSTS. Art, education, territory is an exhibition showcasing art projects and participatory processes which are grounded in a direct relationship with a particular local context. Each of this set of proposals comprises three essential components, which combine with and relate to one another with varying degrees of interaction: they are artistic practices, they foment educational activities, and they take place in a specific spatial and temporal territory or context, while embodying a critical reflection on politics and society.
Activity related to the exhibition
Photography exhibition | 1021 Days of Market and Memory_Mercat de Sant Antoni - Biblioteca Sant Antoni - Joan Oliver | c/ Comte Borrell, 44-46 - 13 january - 5 february, 2011
Screening of the film Una Casa Digestiva para un Piso Patera de Lavapiés by Josep-Maria Martín - C. Marquès de Barberà, 8 ppal. 1a. Barcelona - 17 december, 2010 and 29 january, 2011 | 10.00p.m.
Presentation of projects and discussion featured in the exhibition Catalysts. Art, Education, Territory. - lecture room - 28 january, 2011 | 07.00p.m..
book presentation | Camiones, Contenedores, Colectivos. Recetas Urbanas and Presentation of the documentary | Enlared - lecture room - 29 january, 2011 | 07.00p.m.
Think Art, Act Science
Curated by Irène Hediguer
Hina Strüver and Mätti Wüthrich, Ping Qiu, Sylvia Hostettler, Christian Gonzenbach, Pe Lang, Pablo Ventura, Claudia Tolusso, Alexandre Joly and Wenfeng Liao
Think Art, Act Science is an exhibition of projects by artists who have engaged in dialogue with scientists from a variety of disciplines. All of the artists taking part in the Swiss artists-in-labs programme have done a nine-month residency in a scientific research institute or a university science department.
Think Art, Act Science explores the multiple dynamics of the collaborations that took place in the labs. The works on show reveal the communicative potential of the artists’ responses to scientific research — preconceived perceptions of science and art were the first to be dynamited. The artistic researches have been articulated around three main areas of investigation: ecology and the environment, spatial awareness and the emotions, and the new technologies.
The exhibition project in Barcelona adds in a local component, with educational activities, discussion and research using methodologies that foster multidisciplinary creativity. The exhibition at Arts Santa Mònica marks the start of a tour that will take the project to other cities in Europe, America and Asia.
Activity related to the exhibition
Simple mechanism-strange behaviours - Laboratory - 19 DECEMBER, 2010 | 12.00a.m.
SCHOOL WORKSHOPS | Think and Act: GMOs - laboratory - 31 january - 14 april, 2011
SCHOOL WORKSHOPS | Experience Artists' Science - Laboratory - 31 january - 14 april, 2011
SESSIÓ INFORMATIVA PER A PROFESSORS - laboratori - 23 december, 2010 |11.00a.m.
FAMILY WORKSHOP | Nanoscience in the Home - Laboratory - 28 december, 2010 | 12.00a.m
EXHIBITION | Crossfire - balcony - 2 - 13 febrer, 2011
EXHIBITION | Pyrenees: Art and Ecology in the 21st Century - balcony - 29 february - 10 april, 2011
Communication and Press
Neus Purtí Tel. (34) 93 5565314 (direct) / 933 162 810 npurtic@gencat.cat
Cristina Suau Tel. (34) 93 3162810 csuau@gencat.cat
Opening 18 December 2010
Arts Santa Monica
La Rambla, 7 08002 Barcelona
Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11am to 09 pm. Closed Mondays.
Admission free.