Anywhere. The works display Wrede's joy of creating his own visual worlds, which give the viewer the impression of already knowing them. By means of a foreground illusion, achieved through skilful staging of models in the real landscape, such as on the North Sea beach, Wrede produces pictures that seem without time and place.
Landscapes as projection screens for desires are the
overarching theme of the German photographic artist
Thomas Wrede (*1963, Lethmate). Since the late
1990s the artist has in various photographic series
delved into our – still rather romantically characterised
- desire to experience nature. He further questions the
truth value and the messages of media images, which
are surround us everywhere and at the same time form
the visual basis for such desires.
Galerie Wagner + Partner is excited to be able to
present the next instalment of the series “Real
Landscapes” through new works by the artist. The
works display Wrede’s joy of creating his own visual
worlds, which give the viewer the impression of
already knowing them. By means of a foreground
illusion, achieved through skilful staging of models in
the real landscape, such as on the North Sea beach,
Thomas Wrede produces pictures that seem without
time and place. “Anywhere” leads through housing
projects, snowfields or a South Sea paradise...
By constantly starting with omnipresent media imagery and merging them in his staged pictures with
our desires, the artist achieves virtually hallucinogenic landscape images. Wredes works thus become
an allegory of our time, in which - as media philosopher Vilém Flusser has put it – reality is forgotten
in favor of artificial images. The world of images more real than reality. Absolutely everywhere.
In the context of the exhibition the catalogue “Anywhere” has been published by Kehrer Verlag (hard
cover, 132 pages).
Image: Thomas Wrede, Hochhaussiedlung II, 2009, Lambda Print Diasec, 190 x 150 cm.
Opening February 18 2011
Opening reception Friday, April 9, 2011, 7 to 10 p.m.
Karl-Marx-Allee 87, 10243 Berlin
free admision