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Gennaio 2025


Two exhibitions

MARTa Herford Museum of Art and Design, Herford

In "That's me - Photographic Self-Images" presents 26 outstanding works by Cindy Sherman taken in the 1980s and 1990s belonging to the Belgian Vanmoerkerke Collection, as well as works by the likes of Jurgen Klauke, Valie Export, Elke Krystufek, Cindy Sherman and Rudolf Schwarzkogler from the Bielefeld Teutloff Collection. Meanwhile, under the title "Things are Queer - Highlights of UniCredit Art Collection", gems spanning a period of 6 centuries gathered together from various locations across the continent.

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That’s me. Photographic Self-Images

March 11 to 8 May 2011

One of the most provocative areas of contemporary art comprises artists fathoming their own and other people’s boundaries by depicting their own bodies, sometimes making bodies, them unrecognisable or even resorting to self- - mutilation. In the exhibition ‘That’s Photographic Self-Images’, about 100 outstanding works by for instance Cindy Sherman, Valie Export, Elke Krystufek, Aino Kannisto, Jürgen Klauke and Rudolf Schwarzkogler demonstrate just how intensively today’s artists keep redefining and reshaping their own redefining image in a wide stream of facets.

Artists portraying themselves and questioning their own role as well as their subtle views and blunt obsessions with the body and photography between concept and performance are some of the memorable leitmotifs of this fascinating yet partly also disturbing exhibition. Irony and ambivalence along with the exploration of the artist’s own world of expression in poses of social exclusion and the unfamiliar staged in front of the camera highlight the very different ways in which modern artists have sought and found new forms of expressing and depicting themselves since the 1960s.

Whereas a large assortment of 26 works by American Cindy Sherman assembled from various series produced in the 1970s and 1980s and which can already be described as classics stems from the famous Belgian Vanmoerkerke Collection the other exquisite section of the Collection, exhibition featuring works by international artists from the 1960s to the present day belongs to the acclaimed Bielefeld Teutloff Photo + Video Collection.

The show is augmented by a group of sensitive, sometimes even comical self-portraits by young Finnish artist Aino Kannisto.

The catalogue featuring colour photographs of all the exhibits will be available when the exhibition opens.

Valie Export, Aino Kannisto, Jürgen Klauke, Elke Krystufek, Christopher Makos, Martin Liebscher, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Cindy Sherman


March 11 to May 22, 2011
Things are Queer
Highlights of UniCredit Art Collection

Comprising more than 60, 000 works of art, the UniCredit Art Collection is one of the largest corporate collections in Europe. Under the title ‘Things are Queer’, from 12 March 2011 Marta Herford will be providing a fascinating glimpse of some of the masterpieces in this gigantic collection for the fi rst time ever in Germany.

From a beguiling 1525 Renaissance painting by Dosso Dossi and an enigmatic still life by Giorgio de Chirico through works by Fernand Léger, Giorgio Morandi and Yves Klein to current productions by Candida Höfer, Haim Steinbach, Erwin Wurm and Gerhard Richter, a magnificent panorama of artistic questions to the world is unfurled in the museum’s spacious galleries. Subdivided into individual thematic areas highlighting the interaction between mankind and the surrounding world of things, the exhibition presents manifestations of nature, the urban environment and everyday life as well as phenomena between order and chaos, between imagination and harsh reality seen through the eyes of painters, photographers, illustrators and video artists along with curious and remarkable objects of complex experience, turning the museum into a place of discovery, questions and the altered gaze.

The catalogue featuring colour photographs of all the exhibits will be available when the exhibition opens.

List of artists
Darren Almond, Olivo Barbieri, Georg Baselitz, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Aleksandr Brodsky, Luca Caccioni, Pierpaolo Campanini, Carlo Carrà, Tony Cragg, Giorgio de Chirico, Thomas Demand, Marco Di Giovanni, Tatjana Doll, Antonio Donghi, Dosso Dossi, Fischli / Weiss, Rainer Ganahl, Isa Genzken, Luigi Ghirri, Gilbert & George, Andreas Gursky, Raoul Hausmann, David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson, Candida Höfer, Martin Kippenberger, Yves Klein, Karin Kneffel, Fernand Léger, Vera Lutter, Christian Marclay, Duane Michals, Ryuji Miyamoto, Giorgio Morandi, Arnold Odermatt, Hans Op de Beeck, Steven Pippin, Sigmar Polke, Barbara Probst, Neo Rauch, Man Ray, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Robin Rhode, Gerhard Richter, Andrei Roiter, Markus Schinwald, Thomas Schütte, Kurt Schwitters, Roman Signer, Nedko Solakov, Heidi Specker, Haim Steinbach, Thomas Struth, Josef Sudek, William Henry Fox Talbot, Jean Tinguely, Patrick Tuttofuoco, Raïssa Venables, Paolo Ventura, Francesco Vezzoli, Andy Warhol, Franz West, Erwin Wurm, Rémy Zaugg.

Press Contact:
Karin Barth T: +49 (0)5221/994430 F: +49 (0)5221/994430-2 e-mail: or Tel: +49 (0)5221 99443027, Fax: +49 (0)5221 99443023 Email:

Press conference: Friday 11 March, 11.30 a.m.
Opening: March 11, 7.30 p.m.

MARTa Herford gGmbH
Goebenstraße 4–10 - 32052 Herford Germany
Opening Hours
Tues-Sun and on bank holidays 11am-6pm
1st Wed of every month 11am–9pm during exhibitions.
Admission Fees
Adults: 7 Euro
Concessions: 4,50 Euro
Children under the age of 10: free of charge
Pupils & Students: Tues after 4pm free of charge

Mark Dion
dal 22/10/2015 al 6/2/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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