Lara Almarcegui
Bertille Bak
Johanna Billing
Jeremy Deller
Oda Projesi
Nadin Reschke
Katerina Seda
Sophie Legrandjacques
Anne Kersten
The exhibition brings together very diversely orientated researches, although each reflects the question of "being together". The works call upon the fields of architecture, labour relations and politics, and likewise fashion, music and language: numerous domains grounding artistic positions that are always thought through in specific contexts. With works by: Lara Almarcegui, Bertille Bak, Johanna Billing, Jeremy Deller, Oda Projesi & Nadin Reschke, Raumlaborberlin, Katerina Seda.
A Kunstverein, Wolfsburg, and Le Grand Café, St Nazaire cooperation
Artists: Lara Almarcegui, Bertille Bak, Johanna Billing, Jeremy Deller, Oda Projesi & Nadin Reschke, Raumlaborberlin, Katerina Seda
Curators: Sophie Legrandjacques, director of Le Grand Café in Saint-Nazaire, France and Anne Kersten, curator of the Kunstverein in Wolfsburg, Germany
A community is by definition a social grouping united by ties that are either voluntary (intellectual affinities, a shared culture) or imposed (family, ethnic or national ties...). This question of "living together" (building, ritualizing, struggling together) always makes reference to an idea of poetic or political engagement. In recent years, the question has been posed a great deal on an international scale, notably as a response to the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. How do we think of the world together?
The idea is experienced in daily life on a more local scale. Some of the utopias of 1968 have taken form today with a disconcerting pragmatism, in self-managed business communities, residents collectives, cooperative working groups. The community as opposed to the individual: this familiar idea can also take form in architectural projects, inventing spaces in which the experimental is welcome, spaces such as those formulated by the philosopher Joseph Vogl - where one can unlearn, "un-know" or initiate new relationships with one another. In parallel, virtual communities such as Facebook or Twitter have taken over the world. These social networks, which mix avowedly commercial ambitions with an undeniable relational philosophy, profoundly fabricate the concept of community as it is formulated by younger generations. They even facilitate the success of some revolutions...
The exhibition Communauté/Gemeinschaft bears witness to the way in which contemporary art takes hold of these realities and these interrogations. It brings together very diversely orientated researches, although each reflects the question of "being together". The works call upon the fields of architecture, labour relations and politics, and likewise fashion, music and language: numerous domains grounding artistic positions that are always thought through in specific contexts.
Eva Prouteau
À Agora - Maison des associations
By Eva Prouteau
«Communautés informelles et art contemporain »
March 15th -18:30
Video projection
Le Grand Café
«The Importance of Being Elegant»
A Film by George Aponsah et Cosima Spender, 2004 (70 min)
Mardi 19 Avril -20:00
L'exposition «Communauté» is part of the project thermostat, cooperations between 24 French and German art centers
Iniated by d.c.a et l'Institut Français
Founded by German Federal Cultural Foundation, le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes et Der Bevollmächtigte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland fur kulturelle Angelegenheiten im Rahmen des Vertrages uber die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit
Image: Johanna Billing, "Missing Out," 2001. Video. Courtesy of the artist and Hollybushs Gardens Gallery, London.
Press contact:
Projects and Diffusion Assistant Sophie Marrey +33 (0)2 44734405
Opening on March 19th, 18:30
Le Grand Café, Saint-Nazaire
Place des Quatre z'horloges F 44 600 Saint-Nazaire
Open everyday, exept monday and bank holidays, from 2pm/7pm.
Wednesday from 11am/7pm
Summer: open everyday except Monday, from 11am to 7pm
Free acces