Tim Etchells, Pierre Leguillon, Jean-Luc Moulene, Tino Sehgal. What can be the meaning of a frozen image of dance? What gives life to it? What tension, what relation to the body does it carry? Also, artist Tino Sehgal will experiment with the public a new project of choreographic installation, playing on "the life of the bodies".
Tim Etchells, Pierre Leguillon, Jean-Luc Moulène, Tino Sehgal
Photography fixes time, stops the movement. But since its origin, the capture of what passes constitutes the impossible horizon of its quest. What can be the meaning of an arrested image of dance? What gives life to it? What tension, what relation to the body does it carry? With this exhibition, three artists propose their imaginary museums of dancing: three photographic strategies to account for gestures, ideas, references or desires related to the choreographic imaginary.
Behind the apparent realism of his photographs, Jean-Luc Moulène builds detailed allegories: his portraits of choreographers and dancers Steve Paxton and Xavier Le Roy reveal a working process, the sediment of time within a practice, while at the same time they reflect on the petrified nature of image.
Starting from the question “What image describes best your relation to dance?” adressed to practicians of the stage, director Tim Etchells created his Photomusée de la danse in the way of a random websearch engine: between those snapshots of various kinds and various origins, fine threads, vague recollections, unexpected connections take shape, indicating as many relations to dancing as gazes, and inviting every one to do his own subjective assembling.
Pierre Leguillon got interested in the image’s channels of circulation: the states they go through, the traces of senses that they transmit. What movement takes place inside the passing from a series of heterogeneous snapshots to a collection? In the sliding from one medium to another, from a virtual space to a physical one? With La Grande Évasion, a collection assembled on the internet tries to get to its audience on the occasion of its movements – waiting for stories, for choreograpies that every one will be able to make them perform.
By the use of the image, these three exhibitions invite us to a mental drifting with signs – between phantasmagorical archive, collection of spectres and imaginary meta-museum.
Press contact:
Fatima Rojas tel +33 (0)2 98638884 fatimarojas@museedeladanse.org
Opening Monday March 5th at 7:30 pm
at the Dancing Museum / St Melaine, Rennes and at the EESAB-Rennes site in partnership with the École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne-site de Rennes
Musée de la danse / St Melaine
38 rue Saint Melaine, CS 20831 - 35108 Rennes cedex 3
from Monday March 5th to Saturday 31st, 12:00 to 6:00 PM
métro: Sainte Anne
École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne- site de Rennes
34 rue Hoche - 35000 Rennes métro : Sainte-Anne