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Febbraio 2025


Sint-Jan (Saint John)

Saint-Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent

Sint-Jan is the former name of the cathedral and is inspired by the 'The Mystic Lamb / Ghent Alterpiece' by Hubert and Jan Van Eyck. This exhibition, with 51 artists, explores traces of religion and spirituality in contemporary art. The works (some small or modest, others monumental) are displayed on the various altars and side chapels in the cathedral.

comunicato stampa

An exhibition with 51 artists at the Saint-Bavo's Cathedral in the center of Ghent. Curated by Jan Hoet and Hans Martens.

LIST OF CONFIRMED ARTISTS: Alessandro Algardi / Anne Wenzel / Ann Veronica Janssens / Ben Benaouisse / Berlinde De Bruyckere / Bizhan Bassiri / Bruce Nauman / Cristina Lucas / Damien Hirst / David Adamo / David Claerbout / Dirk Braeckman / Ed Lipski / Fernando Sanchez Castillo / Frederik Van Simaey / Geert Bisschop / Gerard Godal / Gregor Schneider / Huang Yan / Ian Wilson / Jan Fabre / Jan Van Imschoot / Jan Van Oost / Johan Tahon / Karel Dierickx / Koen Theys / Kris Martin / Leo Copers / Luciano Fabro / Mandla Reuter / Maria Degrève / Maria Gabriëlle / Mario Airo / Marlene Dumas / Masashi Echigo / Masato Kobayashi / Matthieu Ronsse / Maurizio Cattelan / Mehdi-Georges Lahlou / Michaël Borremans / Navid Nuur / Nicolas Provost / On Kawara / Pascale Marthine Tayou / Philippe Vandenberg / Ricardo Brey / Rossella Biscotti / Sarah Westphal / Stanislas Lahaut / Thierry De Cordier / Thomas Bogaert / Thomas Raat / Wim Delvoye / …

We all know Jan Hoet. This charismatic “Pope of Art” has become a living legend in the world of contemporary art, and far beyond its borders. For years he was Director at the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art (S.M.A.K.) in Ghent. In that capacity, he inspired the two much-talked about exhibitions Chambres d’Amis (1986) and Over The Edges (2000). Today, he is the driving force behind Sint-Jan (Saint John), a contemporary art exhibition that aims to become an addition to TRACK. However, unlike TRACK with its various clusters, Sint-Jan will be held at a very specific location in the city.

Sint-Jan is the former name of the cathedral and is inspired by the “The Mystic Lamb / Ghent Alterpiece” by Hubert and Jan Van Eyck at the St Bavo’s Cathedral. The exhibition explores traces of religion and spirituality in contemporary art.
For many artists it is a true challenge to display their works in such meaningful surroundings. They forge a relationship with the physical and mental architecture of the cathedral and its heritage.

Another surprising fact: there is no budget, only generosity. The artists work for free. They are displaying works (some small or modest, others monumental) under the topic “spirituality and religion”. The works are displayed on the various altars and side chapels in the cathedral. Jan Hoet and Hans Martens have truly managed to bring together an impressive line-up of influential artists for his Sint-Jan project. This exhibition is yet another reason to visit Ghent, and more particularly St Bavo’s Cathedral and its Mystic Lamb. Highly recommended!

Press information
Eline Verbauwhede: tel: +32 (0)9 2407660 or mobile: +32 (0)479 270604,

Opening Saturday 2 June 2012 at 11 am

Saint-Bavo's Cathedral
Hoofdkerkstraat 1 9000 Ghent
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 9.30 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Sunday & public holidays: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Entrance fee: Free / except the visit of the ‘Mystic lamb / Ghent Alterpiece’ (4,00 / 3,00 / 1,50 euro)

Sint-Jan (Saint John)
dal 1/6/2012 al 28/7/2012

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