Gitte Bohr Club fur Kunst und politisches Denken
Skalitzer Strasse 133 c/o West Germany
Ondrej Brody and Kristofer Paetau
dal 24/7/2012 al 24/7/2012
ore 19

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Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau

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Ondrej Brody and Kristofer Paetau

Gitte Bohr Club fur Kunst und politisches Denken, Berlin

For the 1work/ 1room/ 1night/ series of seven one-night art exhibition/presentations, the Finnish-Czech artist duo features a version of their work 'Degenerate Art'.

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In the spring of 2012, Gitte Bohr. Club für Kunst und politisches Denken invited artists to send in a work to the exhibition series 1work/ 1room/ 1night/
Among the many interesting contributions, a jury selected seven artists/artist groups, who will present their work at the rate of about one per month for the rest of 2012 and in the beginning of 2013 in our rooms at WestGermany in Berlin-Kreuzberg. As the title indicates, each artist will be present at Gitte Bohr for one evening to exhibit, present and discuss his or her work.

Individualism and neoliberal agendas encourage artists to ignore the political and social dimension of being an artist in our society. Instead, the focus is on self-realisation and the artist's career.

A place for critique becomes harder to find. Since Andy Warhol's establishment of the artist as businessman, it has been argued that the role of art has undergone a paradigmatic change. Is it obsolete to invoke art's social functions?
Are artists today really only into what is beneficial for their careers? What is the use of streamlining projects to the demands of the art market or institutional representation, while an overwhelming part of art producers cannot make a living on art and are denied an influence on official discourse?

The question is whether artists have a role or function in society, or if they merely are producers of luxurious consumer goods. While arts funding and the access to avant-garde culture is increasingly privatised, we find it important to address artists’ possibilities for critique. Critique in art is not only a direct political statement – it can be formal or socially engaged, aiming at aesthetic or societal transformation. With 1work/ 1room/ 1night/ we wish to open a discussion of these questions. We are looking forward to welcoming you and the invited artists to participate!

º Part 1: Ondrej Brody and Kristofer Paetau
on Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 19 H

The first presentation in the series is dedicated to a work by the Finnish-Czech artist duo Kristofer Paetau and Ondrej Brody. They will exhibit a version of their work "Degenerate Art," in which they incorporate comments left by users on their website, responding to one of their photo works. The result is a selection of raving insults and abusive criticism presented as paintings. In this way, "criticism" becomes an integral part of the artwork. Paetau and Brody challenge on the one hand the participative pseudo-democracy of social media. And on the other hand, they show the dynamics with which a shit storm can change into public scorn.

A series of seven one-night art exhibition/presentations with:
º Wednesday, July 25, 19H: Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau (CZ/FI)
º Wednesday, September 5, 19H: Sofia Bempeza & Vana Kostayola (GR)
º Wednesday, October 24, 19H: Raisa Maudit (ES)
º Wednesday, November 7, 19H: Fokus Grupa (a.k.a. Iva Kovac & Elvis Krstulovic) (HR)
º End of November: Johannes Lothar Schröder (D)
º Wednesday, December 5: Nicolas Freitag (D)
º Date to be confirmed: Pietro Mele (IT)

Image: Ondrej Brody and Kristofer Paetau, Degenerate Art, 2010

Gitte Bohr. Club für Kunst und politisches Denken
Skalitzer Str. 133, Berlin-Kreuzberg

Ondrej Brody and Kristofer Paetau
dal 24/7/2012 al 24/7/2012

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