Kunsthalle Dusseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4
+49 0211 8996243 FAX +49 0211 8929168
Mischa Kuball
dal 7/9/2012 al 15/9/2012
tuesday - sunday, public holidays 11am-6pm

Segnalato da

Dirk Schewe


Mischa Kuball

calendario eventi  :: 


Mischa Kuball

Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf

Pla­ton's mir­ror. A per­cep­ti­on-aest­he­tics component and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of a no­vel ty­pe of image ge­ne­ra­ti­on through com­pu­ter tomogra­phy

sintesi del comunicato stampa

Dusseldorf-based media artist Mischa Kuball is among the few artists who has consistently understood light's (socio-)political dimensions and used the media accordingly in numerous works and installations. In his new exhibition project platon's mirror, two additional aspects are included: a perception-aesthetics component, as well as the possibility of a novel type of image generation through computer tomography. This gives rise to highly topical issues within art, and for it. Within the project, light politics and media politics are re-negotiated. The idea for platon's mirror is based on one of the most influential stories within European literature: Plato's cave allegory.

Cody Choi
dal 8/5/2015 al 1/8/2015

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