Kunsthalle Dusseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4
+49 0211 8996243 FAX +49 0211 8929168
Jewels in the Rheingold
dal 26/9/2012 al 24/11/2012
tuesday - sunday 11am-6pm

Segnalato da

Dirk Schewe

calendario eventi  :: 


Jewels in the Rheingold

Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf

An exhibition on the oc­ca­si­on of the 10th an­ni­versa­ry of the Rhein­gold Collec­tion

sintesi del comunicato stampa

On the oc­ca­si­on of the 10th an­ni­versa­ry of the Rhein­gold Collec­tion, the Kunst­hal­le has con­cei­ved a the­ma­ti­cal­ly ori­en­ted ex­hi­bi­ti­on fea­turing an ex­em­pla­ry cross sec­tion of the pri­va­te collec­tion of con­tem­pora­ry art that now en­com­pas­ses over 700 works. The six collec­tors who ca­me to­ge­ther ten ye­ars ago ac­qui­re en­sem­bles of con­tem­pora­ry art se­ver­al ti­mes a ye­ar in clo­se co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th Rhe­nish mu­se­ums and ex­hi­bi­ti­on ve­nues, as­sem­bling in this way a pro­mi­nent and va­ried selec­tion of works by ar­tists ran­ging from Joseph Beuys and Georg Baselitz to Neo Rauch, Thomas Schutte and Rosemarie Trockel as well as very re­cent po­si­ti­ons. Ex­hi­bi­ti­on and ca­ta­lo­gue are sup­por­ted by the Rhein­gold Collec­tion. (Image: Wolfgang Tillmans, Freischwimmer 26, 2004 - 2004. Fotografie, Bildmass: 237 x 181cm) Opening 27th september h 19.

Cody Choi
dal 8/5/2015 al 1/8/2015

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