A series of three collective shows that will emerge over the next couple of years: no 1. Nowhere; no 2. Rerouted Viruses; and no 3. Rejuvenated Mt. Verita'.
curated by Maja Ćirić
As a manifestation of the artistic production that deconstructs the logic of the dominant distribution of the sensible, The Organism [1] releases the potential of the curatorial to live the institutional critique through its practice. The Organism does not reflect upon the predictable niches, suspicious borders nor usual suspects. It is not envisioned to illustrate or reproduce the existing hegemony.
The Organism no 1: Nowhere [2] addresses the role that art plays in mediating the specific temporality and related emerging complexities in the context of our global, but not globalized society. It proposes an ambivalent perspective of nowherness – “nowhere=now+here” [3] - by transferring it, through four artistic positions, from an assumed immaterialist non-location to the Open Systems gallery as a specific location. It acts as a field of visibility for those forces that most often remain at the position of nowhere (Société Réaliste) due to the fact that they remain in the “unconsciousness” (immateriality) of the (art) world: the necessity to focus on a specific in-situ production (Ramujkić/Kruglanski); the representation of the hermetic procedures and protocols whose results are incomprehensible and invisible (Ilić); the relation between neuroplasticity and materiality (Neidich).
The Organism no 1: Nowhere is a curatorial attempt of the institutional critique that accommodates these particular questionings of to the crisis of the present in the institution of art. This being said, the revealing is a process of unfolding that produces knowledge of the ability to become outside of the dominant cognitive frames by the means of manual production. It aims to cross-over the existing gaps by addressing a cognitive infrastructure that is both a representation and a critique of the immaterial labor.
As most of the examples of the institutional critique, The Organism falls into its own paradox by complementing the institution of art with the temporality and immateriality that might otherwise remain invisible or underrepresented.
[1] The Organism is a series of three collective shows that will emerge over the next couple of years: no 1. Nowhere; no 2. Rerouted Viruses; and no 3. Rejuvenated Mt. Verità.
[2] While the numbers are a play with the “standardized self-centered position” of a curator, this The Organism indirectly evokes the history of curating, particularly the practice of Clementine Deliss, which was inspired by the organ (see the magazine Oncurating number 14.)
[3] Following the similar line of taught with William Morris’s utopian ideas from the book News from Nowhere.
Participating artists:
Siniša Ilić
Warren Neidich
Vahida Ramujkić and Aviv Kruglanski
Société Réaliste
Performance: 20 November, 20.00 pm
Rehearsing the Drawing by Warren Neidich
In collaboration with the VIENNA ART WEEK
Opening november 20th, 7 pm
Open Systems
Lassingleithnerplatz 2 - Wien
Open Friday, Saturday 13.00 - 18.30
and open for the rest of the week days by appointment only.
Admission free