Royal College of Art Galleries
Kensington Gore
020 75904494 FAX 020 75904495
Stefano Scheggi
dal 26/6/2003 al 6/7/2003
020 7590 4494 FAX 020 7590 4495
Segnalato da

Lara Castrignanò


Stefano Scheggi

calendario eventi  :: 


Stefano Scheggi

Royal College of Art Galleries, London

'Your Public/My Private' is a photographic and sculptural work that is exactly what it claims to be. Still this enticing piece of visual poetry will lead the viewers to fill in the gaps for themselves.

comunicato stampa

The Show: Two

'Your Public/My Private'
photography and sculpture

Kindly supported and sponsored by the RCA and Tapestry.MM, London.

'Your Public/My Private' is a photographic and sculptural work that is exactly what it claims to be. Still this enticing piece of visual poetry will lead the viewers to fill in the gaps for themselves.

How?, when?, who?, will only be some of the questions you will try to answer, for the work will conjure up places and people you recall in the recesses of your mind, regardless of whether you have actually seen them or not.

'Your Public/My Private' subtly overwhelms as the artist shares his sexual experience, depicted by this carefully chosen selection of 32 images and accompanied by the electroformed 24 karat gold sculptural piece, My Privates in Public.

With this new exhibition Stefano Scheggi brings his work to a different level, harmoniously meshing techniques and mediums from various traditions and styles, while at the same time coming into his own as a contemporary artist whose work permeates and reaches out to us.

(closed 4 July)
27 June & 3 July until 10pm

Press Office
Lara Castrignanò t: 07786 715385

Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore

Art for Youth London
dal 14/10/2014 al 15/10/2014

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