In this new installation, Tony Oursler uses the newly patented High Definition Volumetric Display technology to create a twenty-first-century camera obscura-an environment where both real objects and digital video images seem to float in midair. As we move through the installation, faces, nude human figures, and glass devils enter and leave our field of vision or appear to twist and move in space.
In this new installation, Tony Oursler uses the newly patented
High Definition Volumetric Display technology to create a
twenty-first-century camera obscura-an environment where both
real objects and digital video images seem to float in midair. As
we move through the installation, faces, nude human figures, and
glass devils enter and leave our field of vision or appear to twist
and move in space. Continuing his recent investigations into the
history of optics, in The Darkest Color Infinitely Amplified Oursler
takes us inside an innovative optical apparatus where he
challenges our conceptions of "real" and "virtual."
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street
New York, NY 10021
General Information: (212) 570-3676
Ticketing: 1 (877) WHITNEY
Monday Closed
Tuesday-Wednesday 11 am-6 pm
Thursday 1-9 pm
Friday-Sunday 11 am-6 pm