Ann Demester
Vasif Kortun
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Anri Sala
Giacinto di Pietrantonio
Sandra Antelo Suarez
Branislava Andjelkovic
U-Topos. 6 international curators shall be invited to elaborate on the concept of ''U-Topos'', finalizing with a proposal of a group of 5-6 artists each. The selection of the participating artists shall not be based on a specific national participation, rather on a broad reflection of the curatorial concept and approach toward the show.
Utopia: (gk. nowhere land); an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas
More's Utopia (1516) as enjoying perfection in law, politics, etc, any ideal
place or state; any visionary system of political or social perfection.
The fall of the last big Utopia, Communism, and the establishing of Capitalism
as the only World Order, made Fukuyama proclaim the end of History. What has
occurred recently has seriously questioned his thesis while the end of history
is not yet in sight.
The fall of universal and monolithic ideologies has dematerialised the topos ,
making it an impossible topos (place), while claiming that the only true topos
is U-Topos, it is YOU and yourself as THE TOPOS, it is your personal realm
where your dreams and hopes come true. Is there a Utopia today, and if so, is
it more a personal or a collective one? How does today's artist deal with
imagination and memory; how does he get access to both private and collective
memory, in its static and dynamic forms? In these times of great structural
changes of the collective mind and rapid globalisation, the artist's task is
to make people aware of such changes and create the new decors and sensory
experiences connected to them and discover the suitable metaphorical artistic
language. On the other hand, are we living in a world where laic or religious
messianic message is outdated? Is the art of today able to convey such
messages and is our society really interested in them?
Art today is not anymore a reflection of any utopian reality but the only
topos where still exists a possibility of dreaming; the only possible topos
which reflects the inner beliefs, truths and doubts; the land of impossible
promises or the promise of the impossible, the unreachable realm of
unrealistic social and political projects, together with its collective dreams
and universal beliefs.
6 international curators shall be invited to elaborate on the concept of
''U-Topos'', finalizing with a proposal of a group of 5-6 artists each. The
selection of the participating artists shall not be based on a specific
national participation, rather on a broad reflection of the curatorial concept
and approach toward the show.
The curators shall work independently from each other.
Ann Demester
Vasif Kortun
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Anri Sala
Giacinto di Pietrantonio
Sandra Antelo Suarez
Branislava Andjelkovic
National Gallery and Chinese Pavilion
Edi Muka
++355 38 21 24 447