University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG
Hong Kong
94 Bonham Road, Pokfulam (University of Hong Kong)
852 25469659
Yang Feiyun
dal 25/9/2003 al 26/10/2003
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Yang Feiyun

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Gennaio 2025


Yang Feiyun

University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG, Hong Kong

Paintings and sketches by the Chinese artist. Recognized as one of the foremost classical oil painters of his generation in China, this will be Yang's first one-man exhibition in Hong Kong.

comunicato stampa


The University Museum and Art Gallery is pleased to present paintings and sketches by the Chinese artist Yang Feiyun. Recognized as one of the foremost classical oil painters of his generation in China, this will be Yang's first one-man exhibition in Hong Kong.

The works of Yang Feiyun can be characterised by the artist's detailed and straightforward approach to his subjects. His most powerful works are portraits, often of people with whom the artist has a close relationship, none closer than that with his wife, Peng Peng, who is his principle muse and protagonist. In oils she can be transformed into a character in a story captured for a moment on the canvas achieving a sense of ease and intimacy. All of Yang's characters reveal great psychological depth, yet Yang often challenges our expectations by painting them in ambiguous or incongruous surroundings.

Yang Feiyun was born in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and began his artistic career as an art clerk in the Culture Palace of the Railway Bureau in Hohhot. In the 1970s he was accepted into the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing where he has been a professor in the department of oil painting for over twenty years. Yang has won many awards and honours, and participated in many exhibitions including the groundbreaking show of nudes at the China National Art Gallery in Beijing in 1988. Yang Feiyun believes that painting is the most direct art form, and has remained committed to developing his skills beyond the constraints of the European and Russian traditions that they are inspired by. This exhibition is a good opportunity to view the work of one of China's leading painters in the classical tradition.

The exhibition is co-organised by the Chinese Artists Association and the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, will officiate at the opening ceremony at the Museum on Thursday 25 September at 6:00 pm. The artist will be in Hong Kong for the exhibition opening and available for press interviews from 23 to 25 September. Please contact the Museum office to make an appointment.

Yang Feiyun will give a sketching demonstration at the Museum on Saturday 27 Spetember 2003 at 3:00 pm. This programme is free and open to the public.

The opening hours of the University Museum are Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm; Sundays 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The Museum is closed on public holidays. Admission is free. All are welcome.

Please visit the Museum website or call 2241-5513 for further information.

Image: Method, oil on canvas
161 x 130 cm, 1998

University Museum and Art Gallery
94 Bonham Road, Pokfulam - Hong Kong
tel 2241-5513

dal 17/6/2013 al 17/6/2013

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