Basel artist and musician developed an installation using light, sound, and moving images.
As of autumn 2013, part of our venue at the Dreispitz site will be under construction. Until HeK's reopening in 2014, we have received the opportunity to use the Keck Kiosk at Basel's Kasernenareal as a showcase for our institution in the town centre. For HeK@Keck Kiosk, young Swiss artists are invited to develop experimental projects especially for this showcase.
HeK starts its activities at the Keck Kiosk during Art Basel with Beyoncé by Fabian Chiquet. The video works, performances and music by Basel artist and musician Fabian Chiquet often revolve around the presentational strategies of popular and youth culture. For the Keck Kiosk, Chiquet will develop an installation using light, sound, and moving images.
Opening with apéritif on Sunday, June 9, at 6 p.m. at Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel (at Kasernenareal, Basel's barracks site)
Keck Kiosk
Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel (at Kasernenareal, Basel's barracks site)
Opening hours: Daily from 11a.m. to 8p.m.