The British School at Rome
via Gramsci, 61
06 32649385 FAX 06 3221201
Please Be Quiet
dal 13/6/2013 al 21/6/2013
lun - sab 16.30-19
06 3264939

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The British School at Rome

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Please Be Quiet

The British School at Rome, Roma

Terza e ultima mostra collettiva per il 2012-2013 del programma Fine Arts dell'Accademia Britannica. Espongono Jonathan Baldock, John Di Stefano, Todd Fuller, Katy Kirbach, Liang Xia Luscombe, Zed Nelson...

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---english below

“Please Be Quiet”è la terza e ultima mostra collettiva per il 2012-2013 del programma Fine Arts dell’Accademia Britannica, diretto da Jacopo Benci.

La mostra presenta nuove opere degli artisti residenti, Jonathan Baldock, John Di Stefano, Todd Fuller, Katy Kirbach, Liang Xia Luscombe, Zed Nelson, Candida Powell-Williams, ed è sovvenzionata in parte da Edwin Abbey Trust, Linbury Trust, Australia Council for the Arts, Photoworks, William Fletcher Foundation NSW Australia, e National Art School Sydney (con l’ulteriore supporto per John Di Stefano del Sydney College of the Arts, Visual Arts Faculty of the University of Sydney). Le opere includono pittura, scultura, fotografia, immagine in movimento e installazioni, riflettendo la qualità e la varietà di provenienze (Gran Bretagna, Australia, USA) e pratiche degli artisti residenti all’Accademia Britannica.

La mostra coincide con la pubblicazione del catalogo Fine Arts 2012-2013, che documenta il lavoro di tutti gli artisti e architetti borsisti alla BSR durante l’anno accademico.

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare Maria Plateo e Pia Lauro, Fine Arts Interns

Jonathan Baldock (Abbey Fellow in Painting, aprile-giugno 2013) vive e lavora a Londra. Ha conseguito il B.A. alla Winchester School of Art e il M.F.A. in pittura al Royal College of Art, Londra (2005). Le sue più recenti mostre personali sono The Blue Epoch, Colloredo-Mansfeldský Palác, AMoYA, Praga (2012), Pierrot, Peregrine Program, Chicago (2011), e The Fool’s Flipside, Cell Projects, Londra (2010). I suoi lavori sono stati inclusi in mostre collettive come “Are You Alright? New Art From Britain”, MOCCA Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto (2013), “LondonTwelve”, City Gallery, Praga (2012) e “Condensation”, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary, Londra (2011). Recenti performances comprendono il lavoro “Two Figures in a Landscape”, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai (2013), con la collaborazione del Rubato Dance Group. È stato premiato con un Arts Council England Grant, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing, Cina (2011). A maggio 2013 Jonathan Baldock ha avuto una personale al Wysing Arts Centre, GB, dove ha collaborato con una delle principali coreografe inglesi, Henrietta Hale, per una performance che utilizzava opere presenti nella stessa mostra.

“Attraverso media disparati come pittura, scultura, installazione e più recentemente performance, Jonathan Baldock rivela un amore per lo spettacolo oscuro, affascinante e misterioso del teatro. Dove il bello smaschera l’orribile, impiegando tecniche spesso influenzate dalle tradizioni del dell’arte e artigianato popolare. L’opera di Baldock tocca spesso temi connessi con il corpo umano, il grottesco, il rituale, il carnevalesco, il reale/l’irreale, il folle, l’artificio, la mimica, la trasformazione e la dualità.”

John Di Stefano (National Art School Sydney Resident in Drawing, aprile-giugno 2013) vive e lavora a Sydney, in Australia. Artista visivo, regista, scrittore, curatore, è professore associato alla University of Sydney – Sydney College of the Arts. Le sue principali collettive e screenings recenti comprendono, “This is Not a Love Song”, Virreina Palace, in connessione con “Screen Festival”, Barcellona; “Out of this World”, William Wright Artists, Sydney, 2013; “Dialogues in Contemporary Video Art”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts; Santorini Biennale of Art, Grecia, 2012; “Videonale – Festival of Contemporary Video Art”, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, 2011; “Video Review”, BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice, 2011; “Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille”, Francia (competizione ufficiale); “Human Rights Film Festival”, Sarajevo; “Sightseeing”, Peninsula Art Gallery, University of Plymouth, 2010; “Experimental Visions”, London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, British Film Institute, Londra, 2009. Fra le sue personali e screenings recenti, The Return, Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, Nuova Zelanda; Screening Room, Cell Block Theatre – NAS Gallery/Performance Space, Sydney, 2011; “New Filmmakers”, Anthology Film Archives, New York, 2010; “Double Take / Time Frame”, Project Space, Melbourne; “Ashes [Amsterdam], FED TV”, progetto d’arte pubblica, Federation Square, Melbourne, 2010.

Todd Fuller (William Fletcher Foundation NSW Australia Scholar, aprile-giugno 2013) è un artista ventiquattrenne che vive e lavora a Sydney. Todd è impegnato in progetti curatoriali e educativi. La sua pratica personale comprende animazione, disegno, pittura, performance e scultura. I suoi premi includono una Honourable Mention nella XV Biennale d’Arte Asiatica, Fishers Ghost Sculpture Prize, Lloyd Rees Memorial Prize e Deakin University Award-Walker St Gallery. Fuller è stato il coordinatore per Events, Education & Online Learning della XVIII Biennale di Sydney. Le sue residenze comprendono Cité des Arts, Paris; Sydney Grammar School, Sydney, e Waverley Council Artist in Residence. I suoi progetti curatoriali comprendono Sculpture in the Vineyards e Cessnock Regional Art Gallery. Todd è rappresentato dalla Brenda May Gallery, dove ha avuto le personali “tense”, “one and only” and “somewhere in between”. Ha presentato inoltre sue opere presso Federation Square, Melbourne; National Portraiture Gallery, Canberra; Malt Cross Gallery, Nottingham; e TEAF Festival, Corea del Sud.

“La pratica di Fuller deriva da un amalgama tra disegno e altri media. Risultano più riconoscibili i suoi film e animazioni creati sommando, cancellando e modificando segni su una data superficie. Nelle sue narrazioni esistenziali che raccontano storie d’amore, perdita, e vita, i personaggi presentati sono tanto fragili quanto i segni transitori che li creano.”

Katy Kirbach (Abbey Scholar in Painting, ottobre 2012-giugno 2013) vive e lavora a Londra. Le sue mostre recenti comprendono Katy Kirbach – Acid Blush, Christian Larsen, Stoccolma, 2013; Abstract Critical Newcomers Award, Londra, 2012; Night Shift, Simon Oldfield Gallery, Londra; Royal Academy Schools Show, Londra, 2011; Got the Blues for Red, Christian Larsen, Stoccolma, 2010.
“I dipinti di Katy Kirbach impiegano processi quali ripetizione, stratificazione, intaglio, impressione, frottage, spruzzo e sbianca. Lavorare ai dipinti con una varietà di strumenti è spesso cruciale per il risultato finale – un pezzo di stoffa, una spugna o un’impronta della mano possono articolare qualcosa d’inaspettato. L’accento nelle opere più recenti si è spostato da uno schema e pattern decorativo e ornamentale verso un approccio più fisico e gestuale alla pittura.”

Liang Luscombe (Australia Council Resident, aprile-giugno 2013) vive e lavora a Melbourne. Le sue personali recenti comprendono “Bauhaus Fisher Price”,TCB artinc., Melbourne, 2012; “String Strung Out”, Seventh Gallery, Melbourne, 2011. Recenti mostre collettive comprendono “Navel Gazing”, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne, 2013; “Menage a Trois”, XYZ Collective, Tokyo, 2012; “Fresh Paint”, Sutton Project Gallery, Melbourne, 2012; “Impossible Objects”, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne, 2011. Fra le mostre che Liang ha curato recentemente, “FX”, Centre of Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, 2013; “No reasonable offer refused”, Westspace, Melbourne, 2012; “Hidden Definition”, Sutton Gallery Project Space, 2011.
“La pratica di Liang Luscombe si colloca grosso modo nell’ambito della pittura, espandendosi nei lavori più recenti fino a includere elementi spaziali e tridimensionali che incorporano costruzione di mobili, wall painting e opere murali. Questi oggetti e opere – in parte sculture, in parte arredi scenici, in parte dipinti – giocano con la potenzialità che la pittura ha di avere funzionalità.”

Zed Nelson (Photoworks Fellow, aprile-giugno 2013) vive e lavora a Londra. Nato in Africa Orientale, Nelson si è laureato in fotografia e film-making alla Westminster University di Londra.
Dopo aver ottenuto riconoscimenti e premi a livello internazionale per il suo lavoro di fotografia documentaria, Nelson ha recentemente adottato un approccio più meditato e approfondito per riflettere su questioni sociali contemporanee attraverso progetti personali a lungo termine. Il suo importante libro “Gun Nation” – un’allarmante riflessione sulla mortale relazione dell’America con l’uso delle armi da fuoco – è stato pubblicato in dodici paesi e ha ricevuto cinque importanti premi internazionali di fotografia. Il progetto esplora il paradosso secondo il quale il più potente simbolo della libertà per l’America è anche una delle sue maggiori cause di morte. L’opera di Nelson è stata esposta alla Tate Britain, ICA, e alla National Portrait Gallery, ed è nella collezione permanente del Victoria & Albert Museum. Nelson ha avuto personali a New York, Londra, Sydney, Barcellona e Copenhagen.
“Il nuovo libro di Zed Nelson, “Love Me”, si interroga sulle forze culturali e commerciali alla base dell’ossessione globale per la giovinezza e la bellezza. Il progetto esplora come stia prendendo piede una nuova forma di globalizzazione, dove un ideale occidentale sempre più angusto di bellezza viene esportato nel mondo come rozzo ‘brand’ universale. Finora inedito in Italia, “Love Me” è stato selezionato per il Deutsche Börse Photography Prize del 2011.”

Candida Powell-Williams (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, ottobre 2012-settembre 2013) vive e lavora a Londra. Le sue personali comprendono “Sleight”, Lewisham Arthouse, London (parte di una ‘studio residency’ di un anno), e “Glissando”, Salisbury Arts Centre (2012). Le sue recenti collettive comprendono “Tourist Information Centre”, Blackpool (2013), “Muster Point”, London (2013), “The Absurd Hero”, Hatch Gallery, London (2011), “Dictionary of Received Ideas”, Goldsmiths’ Curators, Londra (2010), e commissioni pubbliche per Canary Wharf’s Architecture Festival (2010) e York University (2009). Ha curato “Chain”, una serie di performance multidisciplinari a Londra (2012). Candida progetta anche per il teatro, più recentemente per “The Francis Bacon Opera”, James Joyce Centre, Dublin (2013), Camden Arts Centre, London (2012) e “Curious”, Tam Tam Theatre, London (2012-13). Insegna disegno e scultura a Hampstead, London.

“Candida Powell-Williams sfida il nostro senso collettivo della realtà attraverso strutture simili ad arredi scenici, scenari assurdi e interrogandosi sulla fabbricazione dell’oggetto. Ricercando ma costantemente sovvertendo ogni senso di verità, il suo lavoro è radicato in una tradizione non-verbale, ma gioca simultaneamente con forme teatrali di comunicazione e la creazione di miti come strumento filosofico. L’artista è affascinata da luoghi utopici che sembrano essere immaginari, ma in cui si trova la vita reale. Un utilizzo giocoso del colore e dell’humour anima l’opera insieme al suo forte coinvolgimento in collaborazioni creative. Il suo lavoro odierno si concentra sul modo in cui la nostra interpretazione di luoghi ed esperienze venga mediata dall’altro.”

Inaugurazione: venerdì 14 giugno 2013, 18.30-21.30

The British School at Rome
Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Roma
Dal lunedì al sabato, ore 16.30-19.00


“Please Be Quiet” is the third and final group exhibition for 2012-13 of the BSR Fine Arts programme, directed by Jacopo Benci. The exhibition – supported in part by the Edwin Abbey Trust, the Linbury Trust, Australia Council for the Arts, Photoworks, William Fletcher Foundation NSW, and National Art School Sydney (with additional support from Sydney College of the Arts, Visual Arts Faculty of the University of Sydney) – presents new works by the current resident artists, Jonathan Baldock, John Di Stefano, Todd Fuller, Katy Kirbach, Liang Xia Luscombe, Zed Nelson, Candida Powell-Williams. Their works span across painting, sculpture, still and moving image, installation, and reflect the high standard and pluralism of backgrounds and practices at the British School at Rome.This exhibition coincides with the release of the “Fine Arts 2012-2013” catalogue, documenting the work of all the artists and architects resident at the BSR during the academic year.For further information, please contact Maria Plateo and Pia Lauro, Fine Arts Interns <>

Jonathan Baldock (Abbey Fellow in Painting, April-June 2013) lives and works in London. He has a BA from Winchester School of Art and MFA in painting from the Royal College of Art, London (2005). Recent solo exhibitions include The Blue Epoch, Colloredo-Mansfeldský Palác, AMoYA, Prague (Czech) (2012), Pierrot, PeregrineProgram, Chicago (USA) (2011), and The Fool’s Flipside, Cell Projects, London (UK) (2010). His works have been included in-group exhibitions such as Are You Alright? New Art From Britain, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (MOCCA), Toronto, (Canada) (2013), LondonTwelve, City Gallery, Prague (Czech) (2012) and Condensation, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary, London (2011). Recent Performance work has included the collaboration piece Two Figures in a Landscape (choreographed by Rubato Dance Group), Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai (China) (2013). He has been awarded with an Arts Council England Grant, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, Chongqing (China) (2011) and was recently awarded with Abbey Fellowship, British School in Rome (Italy) (2013). In May 2013 Jonathan Baldock had a solo exhibition at Wysing Arts Centre (UK) where he collaborated with leading British choreographer Henrietta Hale on a performance that utilized the works in the exhibition.“Through mediums as disparate as painting, sculpture, installation and more recently performance, Jonathan Baldock revels in a love of the dark, glamorous and uncanny spectacle of theatre. Where the beautiful unmasks the horrific, employing techniques often influenced with the traditions folk art and craft. Baldock’s work often touches on themes connected to the human body, the grotesque, ritual, carnivalesque, the real/unreal, follie, artifice, mimcry, transformation and duality.”

John Di Stefano (National Art School Sydney Resident in Drawing, April-June 2013) lives and works in Sydney, Australia. Visual artist, filmmaker, writer, curator, and Associate Professor at the University of Sydney – Sydney College of the Arts. Recent selected group exhibitions and screenings: This is Not a Love Song, Virreina Palace – in conjunction with Screen Festival, Barcelona, 2013; Out of this World, William Wright Artists, Sydney, 2013; Dialogues in Contemporary Video Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2012; Santorini Biennale of Art, Greece, 2012; Videonale – Festival of Contemporary Video Art, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany, 2011; Video Review, BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice, 2011; Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille, France, [in official competition] 2010; Human Rights Film Festival, Sarajevo, 2010; Sightseeing, Peninsula Art Gallery, University of Plymouth, 2010; Experimental Visions - London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, British Film Institute, London, 2009.Recent solo exhibitions and screenings: The Return, Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand, 2011; Screening Room, Cell Block Theatre – NAS Gallery/Performance Space, Sydney, 2011; New Filmmakers, Anthology Film Archives, New York, 2010; Double Take / Time Frame, Project Space, Melbourne, 2010; Ashes [Amsterdam], FED TV public art project, Federation Square, Melbourne, 2010.

Todd Fuller (William Fletcher Foundation NSW Australia Scholar, April-June 2013) is a 24-year old artist who lives and works in Sydney. Todd works across curatorial projects, Education and his own practice which incorporates animation, drawing, painting, performance and sculpture. Awards include Honourable Mention in the 15th Asian Art Biennale, William Fletcher Travelling Fellowship, Fishers Ghost sculpture prize, Lloyd Rees Memorial prize and the Deakin University Award-Walker St Gallery. Fuller was the Events, Education and Online Learning Coordinator for the 18th Biennale of Sydney. Residencies include Cité des Arts, Paris; Sydney Grammar School, Sydney, and Waverley Council Artist in Residence. Curatorial projects include Sculpture in the Vineyards and Cessnock Regional Art Gallery. Todd is represented by Brenda May Gallery where his solo shows include “tense”, “one and only” and “somewhere in between”. Other notable venues for screenings, exhibitions and prizes include Federation Square, Melbourne, the National Portraiture Gallery, Canberra, Malt Cross Gallery, Nottingham and TEAF Festival, South Korea.“Fuller’s practice is derived from amalgamation a of drawing and other mediums, most recognizable are his films and animations which are created through adding, erasing and changing marks on a surface. The existential narratives which result tell stories of love, loss and life in which the characters presented are as fragile as the impermanent marks which create them.”

Katy Kirbach (Abbey Scholar in Painting, October 2012-June 2013) lives and works in London. Recent exhibitions include Katy Kirbach – Acid Blush, Christian Larsen, Stockholm, 2013; Abstract Critical Newcomers Award, London, 2012; Night Shift, Simon Oldfield Gallery, London, 2011; Royal Academy Schools Show, London, 2011; Got the Blues for Red, Christian Larsen Gallery, Stockholm, 2010.“Katy Kirbach’s paintings use processes including repetition, covering over, cutting into, printing, rubbing, spraying, and bleaching. Having a variety of tools to work with is often crucial to the finished paintings – a scrap of fabric, a sponge, or a handprint may end up articulating something unexpected. In recent work, the emphasis has shifted away from decorative and ornamental patterning, towards a more physical, gestural approach to painting.”

Liang Luscombe (Australia Council residency April-June 2013) lives and works in Melbourne. Recent solo exhibitions include Bauhaus Fisher Price,TCB artinc., Melbourne, 2012; String Strung Out, Seventh Gallery, Melbourne, 2011. Recent group exhibitions include Navel Gazing, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne, 2013; Menage a Trois, XYZ Collective, Tokyo, 2012; Fresh Paint, Sutton Project Gallery, Melbourne, 2012; Impossible Objects, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne, 2011. Recent curated exhibitions include FX, Centre of Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, 2013; No reasonable offer refused, Westspace, Melbourne, 2012; Hidden Definition, Sutton Gallery Project Space, 2011.“Liang Luscombe’s practice is loosely located within painting and in recent work she expanded this to include three-dimensional and spatial qualities that incorporate furniture making, wall painting and wall works. These objects and works – part sculpture, part prop, part painting – play with the potential for painting to have a functional use.”

Zed Nelson (Photoworks Fellow, April-June 2013) lives and works in London. Born in East Africa, Nelson graduated from Westminster University, London, with a degree in photography and filmmaking. Having gained international recognition and numerous awards as a documentary photographer, Nelson’s recent work adopts an increasingly considered, in-depth approach to reflect on contemporary social issues through long-term personal projects. Nelson’s seminal book Gun Nation - a disturbing reflection on America’s deadly love affair with the gun – was published in twelve countries and awarded five major international photography prizes. The project explored the paradox of why America's most potent symbol of freedom is also one of its greatest killers. Nelson’s work has been exhibited at Tate Britain, the ICA and the National Portrait Gallery, and is in the permanent collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum. Nelson has had solo exhibitions in New York, London, Sydney, Barcelona and Copenhagen.“Zed Nelson’s recent book, Love Me, reflects on the cultural and commercial forces that drive a global obsession with youth and beauty. The project explores how a new form of globalization is taking place, where an increasingly narrow Western beauty ideal is being exported around the world like a crude universal brand. Love Me was nominated for the 2011 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize. Love Me has never been previously shown in Italy.”

Candida Powell-Williams (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October 2012-September 2013) lives and works in London. Solo shows include Sleight, Lewisham Arthouse, London (part of a year-long studio residency), and Glissando, Salisbury Arts Centre (2012). Recent group shows include Tourist Information Centre, Blackpool (2013), Muster Point, London (2013), The Absurd Hero, Hatch Gallery, London (2011), Dictionary of Received Ideas Goldsmiths curators, London (2010) and public commissions for Canary Wharf’s Architecture Festival (2010) and York University (2009). Curator of Chain, a multi-disciplinary performance marathon, London (2012). Candida also designs for the stage, most recently The Francis Bacon Opera, James Joyce Centre, Dublin (2013), Camden Arts Centre, London (2012) and Curious, Tam Tam Theatre, London (2012-13). She teaches drawing and sculpture in Hampstead, London.“Candida Powell-Williams confronts our collective sense of reality through prop-like sculptures, absurd scenarios and an interrogation of object making. Always searching for but subverting any truthful meaning, the work is rooted in a non-verbal tradition but simultaneously plays with theatrical forms of communication and the use of myth-making as a philosophical tool. She is fascinated by utopian places which seem to be fictional but where real life exists. A playful use of colour and humour animates the work as well as her heavy involvement in creative collaborations. Her current work is focused on how our interpretation of place and experiences are mediated by others.”

Opening Friday 14 June 2013, 18.30-21.30

The British School at Rome
Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Roma
Until 22 June, Monday-Saturday, 16.30-19.00

Alfredo Pirri e Thomas Schutte
dal 3/5/2015 al 22/5/2015

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