Kontainer Gallery
Los Angeles
944 Chung King Road
213 6212786
Jonathan Parsons
dal 10/10/2003 al 15/11/2003
323 933 4746

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Kontainer Gallery


Jonathan Parsons

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Jonathan Parsons

Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles

Parsons recreates found marks and explores the three-dimensional illusory quality of the flat surface. His rendering of lines and markings lend them a significance which relies on our familiarity with visual language. What we see is informed by what we know, and painting can draw from this infinite possibility to go beyond its own surface.

comunicato stampa

Jonathan Parsons at Kontainer Gallery, Saturday October 11, 6-8 pm

Kontainer Gallery is pleased to present the first solo-exhibition within the US of paintings by Jonathan Parsons. Based in London, Parsons has shown extensively throughout the UK and Europe, recent exhibitions include SENSATION, Royal Academy of Arts, London (1997), Hamburger Bahnhoff, Berlin (1998), Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York (1999), Furniture, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (1999) and British Art Show 5, Hayward Gallery.

Jonathan Parsons was born in Redhill, Surrey, in 1970, and studied at Goldsmith College, London. Parsons recreates found marks and explores the three-dimensional illusory quality of the flat surface. His rendering of lines and markings lend them a significance which relies on our familiarity with visual language. What we see is informed by what we know, and painting can draw from this infinite possibility to go beyond its own surface.

'Where should I have been on the evening of 29 October? Why, at the opening party for the Turner Prize I hear you opine. But no, there was something far more exciting happening that evening, namely the first exhibition by Jonathan Parsons for three years, at Richard Salmon's.
Parsons' meditations on the modernist grid are superbly intelligent investigations into the fundamental paradoxes of painting, its illusionism and materiality, abstract space and imagistic connotation, history and reconstruction. I would like to publicly put Parsons forward as a more than deserving candidate for next year's Turner nomination - serious contemporary art, unafraid to engage at close quarters with the loaded subject of painting - and if he does make the list, then I know where I will be that evening'. - Richard Dyer, Contemporary, Dec. 2002

We wish to thank Richard Salmon Gallery, London, for making this show possible.

OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, October 11, 2003, 6-8pm

GALLERY HOURS: 12 - 6 pm, Tue - Sat

VENUE: Kontainer Gallery
6130 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 323 933 4746

Katie Pratt
dal 24/1/2008 al 28/2/2008

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