Ozlem Altin
Tuncay Cavdar
Asli Cavusoglu
Iris Ergul
Leyla Gediz
Deniz Gul
Serhat Kiraz
Ali Miharbi
Iz Oztat
Sun Ra
Lili Reynaud-Dewar
Lawrence Weiner
Nazli Gurlek
Historic and newly produced works, as well as archival material. Pieces in the show question notions of repetition as creative process, interpretation as content, performance as document, style as concept, intellectual property as common denominator, and viewer as object of interest.
A group exhibition curated by Nazli Gürlek
With works by: Ozlem Altin, Tuncay Cavdar, Asli Cavusoglu, Iris Ergul, Leyla Gediz, Deniz Gul, Serhat Kiraz, Ali Miharbi, Iz Oztat, Sun Ra, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Sarkis, Lawrence Weiner
Nesrin Esirtgen Collection is pleased to present a group exhibition this winter guest- curated by Nazli Gurlek. The exhibition is titled Trocadero and it brings together historic and newly produced works, as well as archival material that are not part of the collection. Pieces in the exhibition question notions of repetition as creative process, interpretation as content, performance as document, style as concept, intellectual property as common denominator, and viewer as object of interest.
Trocadero finds its inspiration in the context of a variety theater of the same name long gone, in which it is situating itself. The Trocadero Theater opened its doors during the second half of the 19th century, and was located where Misir Apartmani stands now remaining there until 1905, when the Misirli Abbas Halim Pascha bought the land to have a winter residence built for his family. The aim of the exhibition, however, is not to analyze the story of Istanbul’s urban or social development, the touristic associations the name Trocadero offers, or the history of this theatre. The exhibition turns to the myth of this theater 109 years after its demolition in order to try out a new exhibition model: It brings together works at whose center of production lie the notions of repetition, interpretation, and transformation in various forms; it transposes the functioning rhythm of the lost theater into the gallery, aiming to communicate with viewers through the possible moments of déjà-vu, which this rhythm is expected to induce. What happens if, rather than dismantle, destroy or reconstruct, we repeat, add, interpret, transform, and derive historical constructs and creative impulses instead?
Performance by Iris Ergul “Dissecting and Detecting the Body: An Enactment” Thursday, February 13, 6.30 pm
Opening: January 23, Thursday 6 pm – 8 pm
Nesrin Esirtgen Collection Art Space
163 Istiklal Caddesi Misir Apt. 5th Floor Beyoğlu Istanbul
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am-6:30pm