Art Gallery of New South Wales
Art Gallery Road, The Domain
+ 61 02 92251744 FAX +61 02 92216226
Man Ray
dal 4/2/2004 al 18/4/2004
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Press Office AGNSW


Man Ray

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Man Ray

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Man Ray was one of the most famous and original artists of the 20th century: his importance and influence has many aspects. He revolutionised photography through his experiments and then popularised these through his work as a portrait and fashion photographer. This is the first monographic exhibition of his work in Australia.

comunicato stampa

Man Ray was one of the most famous and original artists of the 20th century: His importance and influence has many aspects. He revolutionised photography through his experiments and then popularised these through his work as a portrait and fashion photographer.

This is the first monographic exhibition of his work in Australia and is organised by the Art Gallery of New South Wales. After showing in Sydney the exhibition tours to Brisbane and Melbourne.

Included in the exhibition are Man Ray's iconic images such as Noire et Blanche, Le Violon d'Ingres and haunting portraits of his many friends and colleagues now embedded within popular consciousness.

The majority of photographs are vintage and a number of them have never been published. Three quarters of the works are from the collection of Lucien Treillard, Paris, who was Man Ray's assistant in the last years of the artist's life and one quarter from MNAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris.

The 200 works are divided into 9 sections: New York & Duchamp, Films, Fashion, Portraits, Nudes, Objects, Rayographs, Landscapes and Documents. The three largest sections - Nudes, Objects and Portraits - are broken down into smaller subsections: Portraits is grouped around specific subjects and their roles and Nudes are grouped according to specific narratives and models. All sections are organised chronologically and thematically.

The official preview of the first major MAN RAY exhibition to Australia: THIS Thursday 5 February, 11am at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

Media Information
Claire Martin, Press Office
Telephone 02 9225 1734 or 0414 437 588

Image: Man Ray, Le Violon d'Ingres 1924. Collection: Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Art Gallery Road, The Domain, Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone 02 9225 1744 or Toll Free 1800 679 278

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dal 26/9/2014 al 6/12/2014

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