Sadie Coles HQ (old location)
35 Heddon Street
020 74342227 FAX 020 74342228
David Korty
dal 31/5/2004 al 3/7/2004
020 7434 2227
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Sadie Coles HQ


David Korty

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Gennaio 2025


David Korty

Sadie Coles HQ (old location), London

In his paintings of the urban landscape David Korty initially focused on his native Los Angeles. His predilection in painting his home town was for soft colours and a heightened sensual atmosphere. Marrying this palette to delicate brushstrokes, the scenes acquire an ethereal quality, as Korty explores the impact of light on the city's streets, parks and buildings. In his recent landscapes Korty has begun to consider other cities, including Venice and London. He has become emboldened too in his choice of colour, as he paints with brighter and stronger tones. This, coupled with a freer application of paint, adds warmth and a renewed vigour to the fundamental optimism of these paintings.

comunicato stampa

In his paintings of the urban landscape David Korty initially focused on his native Los Angeles. His predilection in painting his home town was for soft colours and a heightened sensual atmosphere. Marrying this palette to delicate brushstrokes, the scenes acquire an ethereal quality, as Korty explores the impact of light on the city’s streets, parks and buildings. There is a sense of experimentation, a search for how best to convey the peculiarities of the atmosphere, both in terms of ambience, but more specifically in the climatic sense. This quest, together with the aesthetic, recalls the innovations of the Impressionists, with their forays into pointillism and whole series dedicated to exploring the impact of different light conditions on the same scene. Korty’s landscapes also share the Impressionists’ positive, celebratory approach towards the metropolitan environment, as the industrial age dawned bringing with it a new prosperity and a nascent leisure culture.

In his recent landscapes Korty has begun to consider other cities, including Venice and London. He has become emboldened too in his choice of colour, as he paints with brighter and stronger tones. This, coupled with a freer application of paint, adds warmth and a renewed vigour to the fundamental optimism of these paintings. Figures remain, by and large absent, but where they can be seen, scale dictates that they are anonymous miniatures, dwarfed into insignificance by the majesty of their surroundings. In a monochrome painting, where we peer through trees at rain-drenched, grey streets, where cars file by, nose to tail, there is nonetheless a sense of the dynamism of the city, once celebrated by the Futurists, along with the energy of urban life. An energy that reaches the viewers as they are urged into activity; for while the paintings are easy on the eye, devoid of any jarring elements, the eye needs to work, to pick out the figurative from the decorative and steadily absorb the atmosphere of the city.

David Korty lives and works in Los Angeles. He showed at HQ as part of a gallery swap with China Art Objects, Los Angeles and then had a solo show here in 2002. His work has been included in group and solo shows in Europe and the U.S.

In the image: Untitled (Mexico Park), 2003. Acrylic, colored pencil on canvas, 72" x 72".

private view, 1 June, 6-8pm

For further information please contact Sara Harrison by e-mail or call 020 7434 2227

35 Heddon Street London W1B 4BP
T+ 44 (0) 20 7434 2227
F+ 44 (0) 20 7434 2228

Simon Periton
dal 24/2/2009 al 27/3/2009

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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