In his ensemble 'Untitled 048J' composed of four paintings of large format, Yves Oppenheim deals exclusively with an abstract formal language, whose central stylistic device is colour. The main concern of Yves Oppenheim in his complex colour compositions, which interweave and partially overlap, is to find 'a system for the organization of colour'.
Galerie Max Hetzler is pleased to present new works by Yves Oppenheim in the Holzmarktstrasse gallery space.
In his ensemble "Untitled 048J" composed of four paintings of large format, Yves Oppenheim deals exclusively with an abstract formal language, whose central stylistic device is colour.
The main concern of Yves Oppenheim in his complex colour compositions, which interweave and partially overlap, is to find " a system for the organization of colour".
Thus luminous colours from opaque to transparent are applied on the canvas in either sensuously curvilinear or geometrical, rectangular forms. But the right perception of the whole ensemble implicates not solely to visualise the colour composition, but also to perceive time as a connective principle between the four paintings.
At first sight a linear story emerges, which is told by the winding forms and the luminous colours from one canvas to the other. The narration, however, does not end at its apparent endpoint at the fourth canvas, but invites the viewer to return. So an interplay between the four paintings is constructed, which breaks through the linearity of the whole and confers each canvas its own identity.
For this is what Yves Oppenheim is talking about in his new works: a playing with harmony, but above all, a dynamiting of the order of colours, a narration, but beyond this, a blowing up of linear time through repetition.
Corresponding to the leitmotif of deconstruction of the colour system and the narration, abstract curvilinear forms in black and white errupt into the colour harmony. In these forms, that appear as if poured broadly on the surface, shows the materiality of the painting process.
This is Yves Oppenheim's third solo exhibition at Galerie Max Hetzler. Yves Oppenheim, born 1948 in Madagascar, lives and works in Berlin and Paris. Since the 1980's he has participated regularly in international solo and group exhibitions. His works can be seen in the collections of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Centre Pompidou and the Carré d‘Art, Nîmes.
For further information please contact the gallery at 030 229 24 37 or visit our website.
Opening hours Tue – Sat 11 am – 6 pm.
Forthcoming exhibition: Sarah Morris, September 10 – October 16
Galerie Max Hetzler
Holzmarktstrasse 15-18