Stedelijk Museum
Museumplein 10
+31 020 5732911 FAX +31 020 6752716
Who if not we...?
dal 22/10/2004 al 30/1/2005
31 20 5732911 FAX 31 20 5732789
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Stedelijk Museum

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Febbraio 2025


Who if not we...?

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Episode 2: Time and Again. Work by six artists and a collective who address differing experiences of time and a current perspective on history. They are Little Warsaw (Balint Havas, Andras Galik), Jan Mancuska, Deimantas Narkevicius, Paulina Olowska, Roman Ondak, Tadej Pogacar and Wilhelm Sasnal.

comunicato stampa

Episode 2: Time and Again

Work by six artists and a collective who address differing experiences of time and a current perspective on history.

They are Little Warsaw (Balint Havas, Andras Gálik), Ján Mancuška, Deimantas Narkevicius, Paulina Olowska, Roman Ondák, Tadej Pogacar and Wilhelm Sasnal.

From various perspectives - personal, political and social - they examine themes such as memory and reconstruction, acceleration and retardation, and documentary and fiction.

The exhibition takes place against the background of the dynamic developments in Central and Eastern Europe over the past fifteen years. The artists are not however concerned with the nostalgic desire for a bygone era, but rather with exposing those moments from the recent past which are necessary for a better understanding of our present juncture in history.

The artists are producing new work especially for this exhibition. For example, as a part of ‘Time and Again’ the new film by Diemantas Narkevicius, Once in the XXth Century, will receive its premiere. Other contributions to the exhibition will include an installation by Paulina Olowska in which, in part on the basis of references to works in the collection of the Stedelijk, she investigates the utopian optimism of the 20th century avant-gardes, and the performative installations by Roman Ondák, which assign an active role to the museum’s visitors. Wilhelm Sasnal will be showing a selection of his recent paintings and a new video work.

SMCS on 11
In addition to the exhibition a programme of film showings, discussions and other presentations is being planned for SMCS on 11. The most important element in these will be the conference which is being organised on October 22 and 23 in cooperation with Thinking Forward.
A publication will appear to accompany ‘Time and Again’, in conjunction with ‘Who if not we...?’ A large part of Stedelijk Museum Bulletin 5 will be devoted to this exhibition in Stedelijk Museum CS.

Thinking Forward
‘Time and Again’ is a component of the visual arts programme ‘Who if not we...?’, from Thinking Forward, the cultural programme accompanying the Dutch chairmanship of the European Union in 2004.
Thinking Forward is comprised of diverse cultural activities in The Netherlands and the ten new member states of the EU. Thinking Forward is an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and has been developed through a commission from the Fund for Amateur Art and Theatre Arts and the Mondriaan Foundation. ‘Who if not we...?’ includes seven new exhibitions and a number of supplementary projects in Europe. The primary motivation for this programme is to investigate how art can play a role in contemporary social and political developments.

Opening: October 22

Deimantas Narkevicius, Energy Lithuania

Stedelijk Museum
Paulus Potterstraat 13 1070 AB

Seth Siegelaub
dal 11/12/2015 al 16/4/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


I risultati di questo lavoro collettivo sono riuniti nelle migliaia di pagine online che raccolgono la storia di tutti noi che ci occupiamo d'arte. UnDo.Net è oggi un archivio vivo e vibrante dal profilo internazionale che contiene e collega tra loro approfondimenti e documenti su autori, eventi, situazioni, ricerche e pensiero. Un patrimonio di risorse per studiare, comprendere e per sviluppare nuovi progetti.
Anche in futuro UnDo.Net rimarra' consultabile e a disposizione di tutti gratuitamente.


Le differenti personalita' che costituiscono il team di UnDo.Net svilupperanno le proprie diverse professionalita'.