New Work. The show will highlight the sensuous exploration of self and body, as captured by this world renowned, San Diego-based artist. The show will feature self-portraits of Nguyen taken with a pinhole camera, printed in an elegant circular soft focus format; and images of bodies reconfigured into collages that promise to lead the audience to interpretations of humor, sensuality and disconcert.
Han Nguyen: New Work, a new exhibition to be held at the Stephen Cohen
Gallery November 11 Â December 24, will highlight the sensuous exploration
of self and body, as captured by this world renowned, San Diego-based
artist. The show, which will commence with an opening reception on November
11th from 7 Â 9PM, will feature self-portraits of Nguyen taken with a
pinhole camera, printed in an elegant circular soft focus format; and images
of bodies reconfigured into collages that promise to lead the audience to
interpretations of humor, sensuality and disconcert.
Born in Hue, Vietnam in 1956, Nguyen immigrated to the United States in 1975
and settled in San Diego, California where he currently lives and works.
Largely self-taught, his creativity takes place primarily in a studio where
he utilizes parts of his body, including his arms, legs and torso, to
deliver large-scale, transcendent photographs filled with emotion. The
artist¹s gaze, when turned upon himself, in its specificity becomes a
universal gaze encompassing past, present and future.
Nguyen has always referenced his body; it being the one durable always
present thing in his life; thus he is never without a starting point,
inspiration, and a deep understanding of the thing he is acquainted with the
best. This new exhibition is a continuation of earlier explorations of the
body, another step down a path that is a sensuous investigation into being
and existence, classless, without country unencumbered by language and
His photographs are featured in the collections of the Museum of
Photographic Arts in San Diego, California, Sheldon Memorial Gallery at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Key Corporation Art Collection and the Nash
Edition Collection, as well as several private Collections.
The Stephen Cohen Gallery is located at 7358 Beverly Boulevard in Los
Angeles, California and is open Tuesday ÂSaturday from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. and
by appointment.
Opening Reception To Be Held on Thursday, November 11th, 7 Â 9pm
Untitled #1, 2002
8 x 10 inch Tea-Toned Gelatin Silver and Chromogenic Collage
Signed, titled, dated on verso in pencil
Hours, Tuesday  Saturday, 11am-5pm
Stephen Cohen Gallery, Inc.
7358 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. 90036
Contact, Beverly Feldman