Featuring the artist groups AVPD, rasmus knud, and Luxus. Branding, advertising, marketing, presentation, service, slogan, logo design, corporate identity. These are words and concepts associated with the world of commercial business. They also apply, however, to the art works by the three Copenhagen artist collaborations AVPD, Luxus and rasmus knud presented at Sparwasser HQ.
Featuring the artist groups AVPD, rasmus knud, and Luxus.
Branding, advertising, marketing, presentation, service, slogan, logo design,
corporate identity. These are words and concepts associated with the world of
commercial business. They also apply, however, to the art works by the three
Copenhagen artist collaborations AVPD, Luxus and rasmus knud presented at
Sparwasser HQ. The project is the product, and the objects on display at the
exhibition, as well as the individual artists, are subsumed into the projects
operating under the labels AVPD, Luxus and rasmus knud. Thus, the esthetic
object is the project, and it is the performance and the action, not the
presentation, that is crucial.
AVPD uses marketing and economic strategies in their staging of events, for
example in The Stockholm Project, which consisted in a helicopter flight over
Stockholm at Artgenda 1998. In addition to the show at Sparwasser HQ,
Rainonoff, an artificial rain shower, will be turned on at 4 p.m. and off at 5 p.m.
in Bergstrasse during the first three days of the exhibition. In line with former
projects, AVPD draws on common myths and symbols, e.g. rain, which is often
exploited in popular culture and film as a strong metaphor and fascinating
phenomena. By displaying the uncovered technical gear, AVPD reveals rain as a
simple construction created by film rain equipment, hence deflating its otherwise
poetic statement.
Luxus operates within the field of service and social capacity. At Luxus' internet
site ( http://www.luxusevents.net ), subscribers to the Home Hospitality Project can
enter their addresses, thus becoming partakers in a global network of people,
who provide other members with places to stay overnight while travelling. The
project Opgang , meaning staircase, was a fictional staircase in Copenhagen,
where people could design and build their own living spaces themselves. Luxus
constructs, although not always literally, a framework within which meetings and
actions defined by the participants can take place. For example, the floor in one
of the gallery rooms is covered with fresh grass, an invitation to play croquet:
Luxury and leisure in the gallery.
The complete launching of The Soccergette Firm, the fan club of the fictitious
female football team Seven Sisters, is the frame within which rasmus knud deals
with individual and collective identity. The football world is imitated through
pennants, slogans and a CD with marches, combined with the history of the turn
of the century feminists, the suffragettes. Taking as their point of departure the
popular football culture and its marginalized fraction of female football, rasmus
knud describes the different human relations that make up a community. Since
1992, rasmus knud, a loosely structured and partly fictional group of artists, has
dealt with such topics, and took part in Manifesta 2000, Ljublana as well as
Monumentum, 2000, Nordic Festival of Art in Moss, Norway.
AVPD, Luxus and rasmus knud unveil already existing, but partly hidden social
and mental formations of contemporary society. Thus, they make us reflect on
manners and customs and recognize a range of possibilities in relation to other
people and situations. Rather than being passive voyeurs or artists performing in
the (hermetically sealed off) ivory tower of the art scene, AVPD, Luxus and
rasmus knud intervene directly in the social structure under the premises laid out
by that reality. The goal is not to protest against a hegemonic order, but rather
to establish spaces of possible actions.
image: AVPD: Rainonoff artificial rain
opening hours: we-fr 4-7 pm, sa 2-6 pm
Sparwasser HQ, Torstrabe 161, Berlin