Bonnefanten Museum
Avenue Ceramique 250
+31 43 3290190 FAX +31 43 3290199
Gilbert & George
dal 6/5/2006 al 29/7/2006

Segnalato da

Mirjam Stam

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Gilbert & George

Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht

'Sonofagod Pictures Was Jesus Heterosexual?' twenty recent works. Contemporary paintings and works on paper by Rene' Daniels from the collection / new work by Birgitta van Drie

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Gilbert & George
Sonofagod Pictures
Was Jesus Heterosexual?

The conflict between religion and radically secular social relationships is in the limelight at the moment. On 7 May, the Bonnefantenmuseum has opened the exhibition SONOFAGOD PICTURES Was Jesus Heterosexual? in which the British artists’ duo, Gilbert & George, add extra fuel to the flames. On display is a series of twenty recent works full of Celtic and Moorish symbols with the visual impact of Gothic stained-glass church windows. The exhibition was also presented from 20 January to 25 February 2006 in the White Cube Gallery, London.

Gilbert & George (1943 the Dolomites, Italy / 1942 Devon, England) are major representatives of conceptual art created in the late 1960’s. Their work has always had a high level of abstraction (The Living Sculptures), but it has never been lacking in humour. The basis of much of their work and the source of social comment and fierce controversy is their homosexual proclivity. Though they choose a succinct form and a reserved attitude, the message is always clear.

The SONOFAGOD PICTURES appear to have 'sprung’ from dark rituals and an upset balance. These pictures are in the minority, however, as the works appear to be linked rather by an exuberant joy. Only a couple of works have a plainly blasphemous character. In most cases, the images have not been manipulated, or hardly at all, and only the title of the work points the viewer in a particular direction. Extravagance, gold and valuables are the background for a battle between the Devil and God, heaven and earth. Never before has outward display and inner conflict been portrayed in this way.

Sometimes art chooses to make a social statement. Recently, Thomas Hirschhorn stated his critical attitude loud and clear in this museum as well. Art is an excellent way of expressing humanism and freedom and thus forms a platform on which opinions and 'credentials’ are not reduced to a state of ideology and dogma. The museum is a venue where social processes and standpoints can resound in the clearest tones.


Galleries 5

Rene' Daniels
9 May - End 2006

With the acquisition in the nineties of several paintings and a large number of works on paper, the museum was able to expand the collection of works by Rene' Daniels. The museum now owns more than ten paintings and an important collection of drawings and gouaches by this influential artist. Thanks to Rene' Daniels, iconographic representation in contemporary painting made an early and convincing return. As Daniels suffered a cerebral haemorrhage in 1987, his oeuvre must be considered complete.
Towards the end of the 1970s, Rene' Daniels’ inaugural works came into being in reaction to conceptual and minimal art, which was predominantly abstract. Flying gramophone records, falling books and a camera - all carriers of information - fill his colourful, fluently painted canvases. Daniels describes his working method as 'writing poetry in images.This approach has given him an almost mythical status in the eyes of younger painters and artists.


BFM Projects
Birgitta van Drie
9 May - 30 July 2006

'BFM Projects’ is presenting surprising new work on paper by Birgitta van Drie (1974 Amersfoort). Van Drie has been living and working in Maastricht since 1992, where she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. Over the last ten years, she has steadily produced thousands of cartoon-like, notebook-sized drawings, accompanied by humorous titles and captions. Her subjects include the tragi-comic fates of dead bears, cowgirls, a large hairy man and mean, sleeping little girls to a burning caravan, a Christmas tree with skull and a wounded knee. In her large, colourful works, done in acrylic on paper (150x200cm), she shows a frank and authentic treatment of the medium of painting, besides a sense of humour and an eye for visual detail.

The Bonnefantenmuseum receives structural subsidy from the Province of Limburg.

Opening May 7th 2006

Avenue Ce'ramique 250, Postbus 1735, 6201 BS Maastricht
Tuesday to Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. The museum is closed on Monday, except for public holidays.
Entrance fees 2006
Adults € 7,00
13-18 years € 3,50
Group reservations € 6,00

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