Kontainer Gallery
Los Angeles
944 Chung King Road
213 6212786
Robert Holyhead
dal 7/9/2006 al 14/10/2006
Segnalato da

Mihai Nicodim


Robert Holyhead

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Robert Holyhead

Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles

Holyhead’s paintings have a slight, but razor sharp aftertaste. They have an air of a witty retort, a cutting yet poignant remark; an answer, perhaps, to the question of serious abstraction.

comunicato stampa

Kontainer is proud to present the first solo exhibition by London-based artist Robert Holyhead.

Holyhead’s paintings have a slight, but razor sharp aftertaste. They have an air of a witty retort, a cutting yet poignant remark; an answer, perhaps, to the question of serious abstraction. Beginning with small diagrams, first in pencil and then in watercolour, each stage educates the next by process of accumulation, dilution and consideration until this history is finally transferred to the canvas.

Paired down forms sit alongside repetitive dementia, making Holyhead’s paintings unique in their apparent resolve of empty space. In the very essence of these refined paintings lies the almost intuitive ability of creating a balancing act for our compositional sensibilities. They carry the oddest of all painterly beauties; tottering on the edge of irreversible disaster and then holding back with grace and poise, leaving us in awe of their balance and focus, yet questioning their capacity to do this.

This embattled structure demonstrates a potentially transgressive space within contemporary abstract painting, and one that results in a fracturing of both method and result. In a swift merging of colour and mark Holyhead extracts sections of cut mass and carved lines to create an informed dialogue between components whose territory on the canvas is strictly predetermined. This ability to strip down the surface and its forms to a raw and compellingly malleable process has become notable as Holyhead’s characteristic approach.

Born in 1974, Robert Holyhead currently lives and works in London.

For more information, please contact Mihai Nicodim: info@kontainergallery.com or at 213 621 2786

Opening Reception 8 September 6-9pm

Kontainer Gallery
944 Chung King Road - Los Angeles

Katie Pratt
dal 24/1/2008 al 28/2/2008

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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