My Iraq...The Destruction and Aftermath of Mesopotamia. On show over 25 paintings. Batou depicts scenes of ancient civilizations and their transformations into the cities and countries that people see today. He presents the relationship between the destruction and rebirth.
My Iraq... The Destruction and Aftermath of Mesopotamia
Exhibition titled “My Iraq…The Destruction and Aftermath of Mesopotamia” will
present over 25 original paintings.
Paul Batou, a native Iraqi artist, had his first art show in Baghdad in 1980.
In 1989 he moved to Los Angeles with his family. Inspired by his Assyrian-Chaldean
heritage Paul continues to create art and write poems.
Paul Batou paints scenes of ancient civilizations and their transformations into
the cities and countries that people see today. He presents the relationship
between the destruction and rebirth.
My Last Thoughts on Iraq is a timely book that will give the readers a glimpse
inside Iraq during its most troubled times. Iraq at present is still at turmoil
and Batou gives us insights on this place, its people and its gradual destruction.
It reveals the state of fear in Iraq, the wars, invasions and sanctions that led
to the decay of modern Baghdad and the suffering of its citizens around the world.
Artist opening reception and book signing: Friday, April 13, 7:00-10:00pm
Harvest Gallery
938 N. Brand Blvd. - Glendale
Gallery hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 11:00am to 7:00pm
Free admission