Piazza Nettuno
piazza Nettuno
051 331099

dal 22/4/2007 al 25/4/2007
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Piazza Nettuno, Bologna

Un ambiente installativo in continua trasformazione creato da Kinkaleri nel sottopassaggio sotto Piazza Maggiore includendo importanti collaborazioni e relazioni con artisti internazionali. Un flusso di eventi performativi, ambienti sonori, oggetti per stati contemplativi e interviste sui temi del coinvolgimento e della responsabilita'. Progetto realizzato in cooperazione con Xing nell'ambito della 7a edizione del festival F.I.S.Co. e sostenuto da Siemens Arts Program.

comunicato stampa

I temi del coinvolgimento e della responsabilità sono il punto di partenza per un progetto proposto da Siemens Arts Program e realizzato in cooperazione con il network culturale Xing. Il gruppo fiorentino Kinkaleri è stato invitato a sviluppare un progetto della durata di più giornate nel centro storico di Bologna, coinvolgendo i visitatori in situazioni artistiche.

Kinkaleri realizzerà un ambiente installativo in continua trasformazione nel sottopassaggio sotto Piazza Maggiore, la piazza principale di Bologna. La Galleria Accursio diventerà un luogo espositivo che si ridefinisce tramite un flusso di eventi performativi, distensioni abitative, ambienti sonori, oggetti per stati contemplativi, riflessioni e interviste, coinvolgendo i visitatori in un'esperienza estetica che focalizza l'attenzione sulla presenza e l'esposizione.

Wanted include importanti collaborazioni e relazioni con artisti internazionali.

"Wanted. Intuizioni sul mondo in attesa che diventino una costruzione compiuta si compone della propria polverizzazione, in modo utopico e apocalittico, tramite elementi elementari e organizzati in un unico frammento lungo. Wanted è una bomba."

Il progetto fa parte della 7a edizione di F.I.S.Co. Festival Internazionale sullo Spettacolo Contemporaneo, dal titolo Today is ok (dal 19 al 29 aprile 2007 a Bologna e Modena).

Invited artists and theorists
Fabio Acca, Federico Bacci, Romeo Castellucci, Forced Entertainment, Joe Kelleher, Kinkaleri, Barbara Manzetti, and Nico Vascellari.

Per dossier e foto contattare:
Imke List
Siemens Arts Program Press- and Public Relations
Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 Munich, Germany Tel: +49 89 636-33587 Fax: +49 89 636-33615 Imke.List@siemens.com - http://www.siemensartsprogram.com

XING press
via Ca' Selvatica 4/d
Bologna, Italy Tel: +39 051 331099 info@xing.it pressoff@xing.it - http://www.xing-fisco.it


A project by Kinkaleri + invited guests

Questions of involvement, commitment, and responsibility formed the starting point for an art project initiated by Siemens Arts Program and realized in cooperation with the Italian cultural network “XING”. The artists’ group Kinkaleri from Prato has been invited to develop a project lasting several days at the historical center of Bologna, which will involve the visitors in art situations. An installation space will be set up by the artists under the Piazza del Nettuno, the main plaza in Bologna, that will permanently be transformed and give rise to different performance situations. Visitors can enter it much as they would an exhibition space and are involved into an aesthetic experience that focuses their attention on presence and exposure.

''Kinkaleri installs a volume in a ticketless place for an apocalyptic construction of the wonder. Different ways to display the exposure to practices of the presence in a place constantly reshaping itself through a flux of performative events, housing distensions and relaxations, soundscapes, items engendering contemplative states. 'Wanted' composes itself of its own pulverization, in a utopian way; it develops in four days distinguished by variable contents and durations of expanded times, arranged in a unique long fragment.'' (Kinkaleri)

Here at the hub of city life, Kinkaleri will compact different experiences of time and space. The room beneath the streets will be constantly restructured by means of wooden panels, becoming by turns an object, an installation space, a stage, or simply a utility room – only to be extended in the next action right out into urban space. In this way, alternating relationships between observers and performance techniques can be plumbed anew in tempero-spatial configurations. Thus a corridor initially 10 metres long and consisting of wooden panels which serve at first as a writing wall, will be converted over the next few days into a long table for different conversational situations, before the space is finally emptied and transformed into an audio room with a sound-damping floor.

As quasi a counterpoint to the increasing rate of acceleration in urban life, the group works with layerings of different temporal levels, with duration and the discrepancies between the sense of time and temporal experience, in order to create an awareness of all that happens simultaneously. In keeping with this, synchronous speech situations will be devised, including interviews, dialogues, questions, interrogations, conversations, or staged speech acts. Their focus of interest is on what falls outside of the alleged time continuum, and on what the foreignness and inconclusiveness of temporal experience bring into play.

“Wanted. Intuitions about the world waiting to become an established theory” is about wanting and waiting for what occurs – or perhaps will occurs. Not for nothing do theatre reformers like Beckett and Brecht make an appearance. Ultimately Kinkaleri is concerned with constantly trying to find out what the fields of theatre, dance, the visual arts, sound and music, architecture, and dance have to say about us and our world.

The interdisciplinary approach taken by the Italian artists’ formation Kinkaleri, plus the various directions in their works all accord with their investigation of ‘reality’ – their search for the difference between the real and the surreal. In a social situation that seems in many places to have reached a dead-end, the hope for wonders is growing. These cannot be clearly grasped or sighted, for they shift and vanish. With their performance work, Kinkaleri will be giving a different emphasis on each of four days, with each day involving different artists from different fields as collaborators. Filmmaker Federico Bacci, the director Romeo Castellucci and the performer Barbara Manzetti will take part in a variety of conversational situations, assignments, questions, and performing acts. The visual artist and musician Nico Vascellari will contribute with a sound intervention. Furthermore the performance “Quizoola!” by the British performance group Forced Entertainment will be integrated into the proceedings: an extraordinary six-hour marathon consisting of 2,000 questions – sometimes whispered, sometimes hollered. A comic and sometimes brutal interrogation that quickly gets out of control. Critic Fabio Acca and theatre scholar Joe Kelleher will enter a dialogue with the participating artists, pose questions, and produce texts in their role as both observers and participants.


I – Boxed Wonder
Monday, April 23, 9 p.m. – 12 p.m.
featuring Federico Bacci, Joe Kelleher and Fabio Acca

II – No Wonder
Tuesday, April 24, 7 p.m. – 2 a.m.
featuring Forced Entertainment performing “Quizoola!”, Joe Kelleher and Fabio Acca

III – Invisible Wonder
Wednesday, April 25, 9 p.m. – 12 p.m.
featuring Romeo Castellucci, Joe Kelleher and Fabio Acca

IV – The Last Wonder
Thursday, April 26, 9 p.m. – 12 p.m.
featuring Barbara Manzetti, Nico Vascellari, Joe Kelleher and Fabio Acca

Galleria Accursio
Piazza Nettuno, Bologna, Italy

Pietro Babina
dal 20/1/2014 al 1/2/2014

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