University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG
Hong Kong
94 Bonham Road, Pokfulam (University of Hong Kong)
852 25469659
Massimo Listri
dal 18/9/2007 al 27/10/2007

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University Museum and Art Gallery of The University


Massimo Listri

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Gennaio 2025


Massimo Listri

University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG, Hong Kong

An exhibition of photographs featuring the unique landscape and gardens of Tuscany. It shows over forty sensitive and intimate photographs by Listri whose publications also include Villas of Tuscany and Palazzi of Tuscany.

comunicato stampa

Gardens of Tuscany

The Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and the University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong are pleased to present an exhibition of photographs featuring the unique landscape and gardens of Tuscany.

The historic and beautiful region of Tuscany in Italy has captured the imagination of Italians and non-Italians alike for centuries. As the home of the Etruscans, Romans and the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, its cities of Florence and Siena were important destinations on the Grand Tour, which the wealthy undertook to broaden their education between the mid-17th and 19th centuries. With the revival of classical culture beginning in the 14th century, known as the Renaissance the unique landscape of Tuscany, with hills allowing unbroken views across the countryside, inspired the building of gardens intended as retreats from everyday life. Meant as a continuation of the surrounding countryside, they often incorporated nearby vineyards and olive groves. Those gardens now form a component of villas converted from castles and abbeys. The late Renaissance and Baroque periods marked the evolution of gardens from natural retreats to symbols of power, often created using rare and unusual plants and other elements. These gardens represented the dominion of man over his environment and were attempts to create paradise on earth. By the 19th century gardens in Tuscany were influenced by a taste for English gardens but formal garden design was re-introduced in the 20th century often, ironically, by English garden designers for foreign clients living in Tuscany.

This exhibition is an invitation to enjoy some of the gardens of Tuscany through the sensitive and intimate photographs of Massimo Listri. The exhibition features over forty photographs by Listri whose publications also include Villas of Tuscany and Palazzi of Tuscany.

The exhibition opening will take place at the Museum on Tuesday 18 September at 6:00 pm. Mr Alessandro De Pedys, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, Mr Marcus Lee, President of GR8 Leisure Concept Limited, Caveliere Ms Kathy Chiu JP and Professor Joseph H. W. Lee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong will officiate. The opening will be followed by a reception with Italian food and wine. The sponsors of the exhibition and reception are Spotlight, the event organisers and The Luxe Manor. Members of the press are warmly invited to attend.

Image: Villa Gamberaia, Firenze 2007. (Photo courtesy of Regione Toscana)

University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG
94 Bonham Road, Pokfulam (University of Hong Kong) Hong Kong
The Museum's opening hours are Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, Sunday 1:30 to 5:30 pm. Closed on public holidays.
Admission is free.

dal 17/6/2013 al 17/6/2013

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