The show presents the personal interpretations of the art of Sharaku by contemporary Japanese graphic designers and artists. The exhibition features a total of 81 artworks including 28 reproductions of Sharaku's most famous bust portraits, and contemporary works inspired by the art of Sharaku in media as diverse as posters, painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and prints.
This exhibition is jointly presented by the Consulate-General of Japan, The
Japan Foundation, and the University Museum and Art Gallery of The
University of Hong Kong. It presents the personal interpretations of the art
of Sharaku by contemporary Japanese graphic designers and artists. The
exhibition features a total of 81 artworks including 28 reproductions of
Sharaku's most famous bust portraits, and contemporary works inspired by the
art of Sharaku in media as diverse as posters, painting, sculpture,
photography, ceramics, and prints.
The eighteenth century Japanese artist known as Toshusai Sharaku produced
over 140 woodcut prints in the ten months between May 1794 and February
1795. The majority of the works were portraits of Kabuki and Kyogen actors,
sumo wrestlers and warriors. Sharaku captured the features and
characteristics of his subjects through keen observation, depicting them in
an impressionistic fashion ahead of his time. No other works are attributed
to Sharaku as he mysteriously disappeared suddenly after this brief period.
This exhibition, is neither an overview of the works by Sharaku, nor a
selection of famous examples of ukiyo-e. Rather, it looks at the works of
artists today who have been given the same theme to illustrate the
connections between the art of ukiyo-e and graphic design in Japan today.
The 81 exhibits have three main themes: 'The Reproduction of Sharaku'
presents 28 of the most famous portraits of famous performers by Sharaku,
made in 1794. These prints were created in limited edition by the Adachi
Institute of Woodcut Prints; in 'Sharaku in Graphic Art', 28 of Japan's top
graphic designers use Sharaku's bust portraits as design elements,
representing them in different types of posters; the final section is
'Homage to Sharaku', which displays a diversity of artworks by 11 young
contemporary artists. This section provides an opportunity for artists to
express their interpretation of the art of Sharaku through different media.
These unique contemporary interpretations of the art of Sharaku reflect the
profound influence that this eighteenth century avant garde ukiyo-e artist
continues to exert in Japan today. The exhibition also provides a platform
to connect the ukiyo-e tradition with graphic design and contemporary art of
Please contact the Museum on 2241 5512 or visit for
further information.
University Museum and Art Gallery - UMAG
94 Bonham Road, Pokfulam (University of Hong Kong)
The Museum opening hours are Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm;
Sundays 1:00 to 6:00 pm.
The Museum is closed on university and public holidays.
Admission is free