Works by James Casebere, Elmgren & Dragset, Alicia Framis and Santiago Sierra
Extraordinary Rendition is an expression coined by the Bush administration to define a series of the new legal measures designed to sidestep the existing Human Rights system and deprive citizens from its protection. The excuse for these measures can be traced back to the "dirty war" in Latin America during the 1980s, yet it was with the 9-11 attacks when it really took off and gained visibility under the shelter of the so-called "war on terror". Though outwardly minor steps, they nevertheless lead, little by little, to situations allowing or "legalising" illegal detentions and torture under euphemistic formulas. This project brings together a number of specific works by four artists addressing this issue: James Casebere, Elmgren & Dragset, Alicia Framis and Santiago Sierra.