Museo d'Arte
piazzetta dei Serviti
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Lucio Fontana, 1946-1960
dal 18/9/2008 al 13/12/2008
Tue-Fri 14-17; Sat-Sun and public holidays 10-12 / 14-18
0041 916467649
Segnalato da

Museo d'arte Mendrisio

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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Lucio Fontana, 1946-1960

Museo d'Arte, Mendrisio

Drawing - the origin of a new dimension. On view 34 works of 'painting-sculpture' showing clear links to a group of 50 works on paper executed in different media. The materials made available by the Fondazione Lucio Fontana, in addition to loans from collections and museums, have enabled the exhibition to focus on the continual dialogue between the evolution of a new spatial concept in drawing and its transformation into works in a wide variety of materials.

comunicato stampa

Curated by Simone Soldini and Luca Massimo Barbero
in collaboration with the Fondazione Lucio Fontana of Milan

At what precise moment was Lucio Fontana’s new and revolutionary “spatial concept” born? How, and by what means, did it form and develop? These two questions inform the exhibition organised by the Museo d’arte Mendrisio (with a linked exhibition at the Liner Museum in Appenzell). What is signficant is that the term spatial concept appears for the first time in the margins of a drawing (no longer extant) of 1946. From 1946 to 1951 at least, drawing plays an important part in the evolution of Fontana’s “new dimension”.

The exhibition will focus on Lucio Fontana as the creator of Spatialism and explore the development of a new dimension through drawing, and from drawing to works of “painting-sculpture”.
The exhibition, which would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of the Fondazione Lucio Fontana, will shed light on the relationship between drawing and work of art, and look at a particular period of his production. The period starts in 1946, when he first started his spatial research through drawings on paper to the first Spatial Sculpture of 1947, and from the very famous Spatial Environment in Black Light to the Nature series and the Cuts-Expectations of 1959/60, within a period of time that corresponds exactly to the Spatialist manifestos (the first in 1946 and the last in 1959).

Therefore, the exhibition will examine some of Fontana’s greatest works, in which he developed and perfected variations on the concept of “spatiality”, starting with some of his ceramics, including several versions of his early Holes, leading into the Stones. These works are followed by typical works of the Fifties: the Plasters, Anilines and Inks, which account for a large part of the display.
The last section will focus on his Nature works accompanied by early Cuts.

34 works of “painting-sculpture” will be on display, showing clear links to a group of 50 works on paper executed in different media. The materials made available by the Fondazione Lucio Fontana, in addition to loans from collections and museums, have enabled the exhibition to focus on the continual dialogue between the evolution of a new spatial concept in drawing and its transformation into works in a wide variety of materials.

Following the recent spate of shows on Fontana, the Museo d’arte Mendrisio exhibition reconsiders and develops an aspect of the artist’s work, namely his drawing, which has not so far been a central theme in the many and wide-ranging revisitations of his work.

The catalogue will be produced in both Italian and German with texts by curators Simone Soldini and Lucamassimo Barbero and illustrations of all the works and drawings in the exhibition.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Fondazione Lucio Fontana in mounting the exhibition.

Vernissage: Friday 19 September at 18.00

Museo d'Arte
Piazza San Giovanni, Mendrisio
Open: Tue-Fri 14-17; Sat-Sun and public holidays 10-12 / 14-18

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