Fuel for the Fire is an installation involving both photographs and sculpture.
fuel for the fire
London Street Projects presents work by Alex Slade.
The following is a statement from the artist:
"Fuel for the Fire is an installation involving both photographs and
sculpture. The photographs depict a victorian cottage in northern
Maine but, more importantly, they catalog a portion of an archive of
landscape paintings by the former owner, Margaret C. Wellington.
These paintings are mostly unremarkable but they do offer up a widely
popular, cliché, notion of landscape painting. The black and white
photographs bring to mind that tradition's photographic corollary in
the work of Ansel Adams and his many followers. Another defining
principle of the photographic work, and one that connects it to the
sculpture, is the notion of architectural space. The photographs are
all printed to scale so that the contingencies of the architecture
pushing the camera back and forth in relation to the paintings
created prints of varying sizes. This rendering of space is reflected
in the exhibition's sculptural element, a stack of firewood that
divides the room in two."
London Street Projects
Reception for the artist 7-10 p.m. Saturday, March 2
Gallery hours: Saturday 12-6 p.m.
Or by appointment. Tel: 213-413-1210
London Street Projects
2924 Bellevue Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90026