The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
020 77472885 FAX 020 77472423
Pablo Picasso
dal 24/2/2009 al 6/6/2009

Segnalato da

Thomas Almeroth-Williams


Pablo Picasso

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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Pablo Picasso

The National Gallery, London

Challenging the Past. The exhibition explores the ways he took up the artistic concerns of the painters of the past and made audacious responses of his own. Displaying some 60 works by the artist, this show invites visitors to re-explore the National Gallery's permanent collection in light of Picasso's fascination with the Old Masters. The dispaly is organised thematically, showing how Picasso repeatedly returned to the great subjects of the European painting tradition, analysing them as his personal style developed in myriad directions.

comunicato stampa

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), arguably the most influential artist of the 20th century, pitted himself against the greatest Masters of European painting in a life-long artistic dialogue. ‘Picasso: Challenging the Past’ explores the ways he took up the artistic concerns of the painters of the past and made audacious responses of his own.

Picasso was a passionate student of the grand tradition of European painting. El Greco, Velázquez and Goya were of crucial importance to him, as were Rembrandt, Delacroix, Ingres, Manet and Cézanne. All of these artists are represented by major paintings at the National Gallery.

Displaying some 60 works by the artist, this exhibition invites visitors to re-explore the National Gallery’s permanent collection in light of Picasso’s fascination with the Old Masters.

The exhibition is organised thematically, showing how Picasso repeatedly returned to the great subjects of the European painting tradition, analysing them as his personal style developed in myriad directions. Sections include self portraits, the Spanish tradition of male portraiture, the female nude, still life, and the seated female figure.

‘Picasso: Challenging the Past’ culminates in a display of the artist’s Variations where, late in life, Picasso makes direct reference to masterpieces such as Velázquez’s ‘Las Meninas’ and Manet’s ‘Déjeuner sur l’Herbe’, turning them into “something else entirely”.

This exhibition has been organised jointly by the National Gallery, London and the Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris; with special support from the Musée National Picasso, Paris; in conjunction with the 'Picasso et les maîtres' exhibition in Paris, organised by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux, the Musée National Picasso, the Musée du Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay.

The major exhibition, ‘Picasso et les maîtres’ runs in Paris from 6 October 2008 - 2 February 2009.

Image: Seated Woman, 1920, Musée Picasso, Paris (MP67) © RMN / Jean-Gilles Berizzi / Succession Picasso / DACS 2008

For further press information and images please contact:
Thomas Almeroth-Williams 020 7747 2512 |

National Gallery
Trafalgar Square - London
Opening Hours
Daily 10am-6pm
Friday 10am-9pm
(Closing commences 5 mins before time stated)

Goya: The Portraits
dal 6/10/2015 al 9/1/2016

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