Tommaso Arscone
Maurizio Bassi
Simone Berrini
Leonardo Ciccarelli
Symona Colina
Marco Antonio Didu
Ligia Dorina Dumitrache
Fotis Galanopoulos
Bruno Greco
Michelangelo Mandich
Hariclia Michailidou
Francesco Mino
Amedeo Palazzi
Costas Petrides
Occhi Pinti
Alberto Quoco
Chrys Roboras
Marialuisa Sabato
Luca Scopetti
Marialuisa Sponga
Vania Stefou
Leanne Talbot
Modern-day artists from Greece and Italy
The exhibition is a captivating survey of modern-day artists from Greece and Italy. The artistic conceptions vary dramatically while retaining a distinctive European character attentive to the human condition. Works of both quiet introspection and visual bravado are included, offering a unique look into the contemporary art coming from these two prominent Mediterranean locales.