The Unanimous Life. Narkevicius works with historical material with which he has personal experience. He grew up under a communist regime and has experienced his native country's need to redefine both culture and society in the post-Soviet period. Artist's works are of immediate importance in relation to the themes, and relevant to anyone interested in the significance of what the narratives of our historical and cultural background have to our lives.
curated by Anna Krogh
In what way do we remember the past? How do we store our common history in the mind? Are there particular symbols, colours or images that we all relate to a particular period – and do our memories have certain features in common?
Kunsthallen Brandts opens the exhibition The Unanimous Life by the Lithuanian artist Deimantas Narkevičius (born 1963). The artist works in the medium of video installation presenting eight of his monumental works at Kunsthallen Brandts.
Themes of Immediate Importance
Deimantas Narkevičius works with historical material with which he has personal experience. He grew up under a communist regime and has experienced his native country's need to redefine both culture and society in the post-Soviet period. Narkevičius's works are of immediate importance in relation to the themes, and relevant to anyone interested in the significance of what the narratives of our historical and cultural background have to our lives.
Deimantas Narkevičius's works deal with individual and collective memory. He reflects upon the way we deal with the past, the way history is written, and how myths and legends are created. The video works are projected in large scale (4x4 meters) in specially designed rooms affording the viewer an overall experience of image, sound, and space.
Deimantas Narkevičius represented Lithuania at the Venice Biennale in 2001, which gave him his international breakthrough. The exhibition at Kunsthallen Brandts is the first solo show ever on a large scale of his work in Scandinavia.
The following works are included in the exhibition:
The Head, 2007, Legend Coming True, 1999, Energy Lithuania, 2000', Europa 54° 54'-25° 19', 1997, The Role of a Lifetime, 2003, Once in the XX Century, 2004, Revisiting Solaris, 2007, Disappearance of a Tribe, 2005.
An illustrated catalogue in relation to the exhibition has been published with texts by: Manuel J. Borja-Villel, Lars Grambye, Chus Martinez, Gerald Raunig, Christa Blümlinger, Dieter Roelstraete and Boris Buden.
The exhibition is organized by The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in collaboration with Kunsthallen Brandts.
Further Information
Contact curator Anna Krogh, Tel: 27537015
PR-manager Trine Søndergaard, Phone: 0045 6520 7092. E-mail:
Open Thursday 4 March 2010
The inauguration speech will be given by Chus Martinez, Chief Curator at The Museo d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Kunsthallen Brandts
Torv 1 Odense C, Brandts
Open Tuesday through Sunday 10am-5pm
Thursday 12pm - 9pm
Individual ticket, adults: DKK 40
Groups (12 or more), pensioners and students: DKK 35
Children (0 – 18) Admission free