Different venues

Triennial of Extended Media 2013
dal 7/8/2013 al 29/8/2013
Segnalato da

ULUS Gallery

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Triennial of Extended Media 2013

Different venues, Belgrade

37 and other areas within and outside the Art Pavilion C. Zuzoric will host installations, objects, sculptures, environmental art, models, electronic art, digital and computer art, robotics, experimental film, video art, kinetic art, animation, experimental poetry, land art...

comunicato stampa

The rights to participate in the Triennial have, other than members of ULUS (Association of Visual Artists of Serbia), all creators who meet the artistic and professional criteria.

Extended Media Triennial will be held in Belgrade - the Art Pavilion C. Zuzorić, Mali Kalemagdan 1, - ULUS Gallery, Knez Mihailova 37 and other areas within and outside the institution, in accordance with the technical capabilities and the demands of artistic works.

The official languages ​​of the Triennial are Serbian and English. Web content and other documents relating to the Triennial will be available in languages ​​of national minorities and other languages ​​if there are needs and opportunities.

Determined exhibition and performing categories are:

Installations, objects, sculptures, environmental art, models, electronic art, digital and computer art, robotics, experimental film, video art, kinetic art, animation, experimental poetry (visual, sound, gesture, object, etc.), interactive performance, happenings, conceptual art, land art, body art, space interventions, photography, street art, mail art and other contemporary forms of artistic expression.

Works of art that are based on the duration (film, video, animation, intermediate parts, performance, performing arts combined approach, based on the development work and other time-specific algorithms) can be presented as a separate performance, intermedia and similar events. Duration longer than 15 minutes - if it is technically feasible. The Organizing Committee may suggest artist’s shorter version of the piece if the technical resources do not permit the presentation of the original piece.

If the artist is a person with a disability, all the papers may be in sign system (Braille, etc.). If artist with a disability has to be accompanied with his/her personal assistant, the Board can communicate with the assistant if necessary.

There are no restrictions in terms of techniques, procedures and modes of realization of the piece, if there are financial and technical abilities.

Dimensions of work must be specified correctly and exhibits of multiple elements/parts, installations must have a precise scheme and arrangement, with clear labeling and sequence settings and the description of occupied space in two or three dimensions.

Each artist who participates in the Triennial can compete with more than one work, and with a maximum of 3 (three) works. Proposed work must be followed with text and photographs, video, sound or in any other way, so that faithfully reproduce its characteristics, size and content.

Submission Deadline: May 10, 2013

Documents and forms:

Please download and complete application form on English language that suits your needs and meet technical specifications of device you use for visiting this site. You can choose to download an application form in pdf format, or interactive pdf format. If you do not like pdf files you can application form in proprietary docx format, doc format or free odt format.

If you are person with disability and if you need assistance during the process of application please let us know send us e-mail message or by using contact form on this page.

Opening date: August 08, 2013

ULUS Gallery, Knez Mihailova 37 and other areas
Belgrade - Serbia

Triennial of Extended Media 2013
dal 7/8/2013 al 29/8/2013

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