PAX Performing Arts Exchange
337 S.W. 8th Street
Fridge Art Fair NYC
dal 4/12/2013 al 7/12/2013
Segnalato da

Gil Coronado

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Fridge Art Fair NYC

PAX Performing Arts Exchange, Miami

The Miami Popsicle Project, Edition #2. The fair features art in an array of styles and genres, reflecting a multiplicity of cultures.

comunicato stampa

Dog and pet artist Eric Ginsburg and the Fridge Art Fair NYC team - artist/curator Kaitlin Martin and photographer/coordinator Cara Hunter Viera - are delighted to announce their partnership with PAX Miami to present the Fridge Art Fair NYC: The Miami Popsicle Project, Edition #2, where the Fridge meets the Miami Meltdown.

Art in an array of styles and genres, reflecting a multiplicity of cultures, will find a home in Miami's landmark cultural venue, PAX: Performing Arts Exchange. A diverse range of emerging and established galleries and artists will be featured.

The Miami Popsicle Project, Edition #2, the coolest art fair to coincide with the world's hottest art week, will kick off with an opening extravaganza and fundraiser on Thursday, December 5 at 7pm. Gift bags will be presented to all attendees. Proceeds will support the programs of Visual AIDS and PAX.

Fridge buses will run from other Miami key venues to the Fridge Art Fair. Live music by local and global musicians will be presented throughout the fair. More than an art fair; a flavorful art experience.


1) VIP Preview at PAX, Thursday, December 5, 2-7pm

2) Opening extravaganza and fundraiser to benefit Visual AIDS and Pax Miami. December 5, 2013, 7 pm
With The French Horn, a world, gypsy jazz band at 9pm, $40 suggested donation.
Visual AIDS has been utilizing art for 25 years to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over.

3) Friday: Tomasito Cruz Afro Cuban cultural/ ethnic 10pm

4) Saturday: Spam Allstars Miami's original Sound 10pm

PAX: Performing Arts Exchange is a progressive independent performing and cinema arts center in a sustainable format, with a local focus and a global reach.

PAX (Performing Arts Exchange), Little Havana
337 SW 8 Street, Miami, FL 33130
Thursday, December 5th, 2pm - 1pm
Friday, December 6th, 2pm - 1am
Saturday, December 7th, 2pm -1am
Sunday, December 8th, 10am - 5pm
$15 suggested donation

Fridge Art Fair NYC
dal 4/12/2013 al 7/12/2013

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