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Febbraio 2025


Fast Forward 2

ZKM_Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Seven years after 'fast forward' the exhibition fast forward 2 shows a wide range of new video acquisitions from the internationally renowned private collection of Ingvild Goetz from Munich. With her impressive collection, originating from the 1960s, she has put together a museum-quality panorama of contemporary art that is as comprehensive as it is personal. On show 60 videos, video installations, and films from thirty artists.

comunicato stampa

Curated by Peter Weibel, Gregor Jansen, Andreas Beitin und Ingvild Goetz, Stephan Urbaschek.

List of Artists
AES+F, Francis Alÿs, Janine Antoni, Matthew Barney, Ulla von Brandenburg, Christoph Brech, Ergin Cavusoglu, Paul Chan, David Claerbout, Nathalie Djurberg, Stan Douglas, Juan Manuel Echavarría, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Rodney Graham, Isaac Julien, Jesper Just, Mike Kelley, Kimsooja, Jochen Kuhn (FP), Óscar Muñoz, Marcel Odenbach, Hans Op de Beeck, Ulrike Ottinger (FP), Mary Reid Kelley, Robin Rhode, Julian Rosefeldt, Aïda Ruilova, Wilhelm Sasnal (FP), Christine Schulz, Laurie Simmons, Frank Stürmer, Fiona Tan, Ryan Trecartin, Yang Fudong, Zhao Liang.

Seven years after "fast forward," the exhibition fast forward 2 will show a wide range of new video acquisitions from the internationally renowned private collection of Ingvild Goetz from Munich. With her impressive collection, originating from the 1960s, she has put together a museum-quality panorama of contemporary art that is as comprehensive as it is personal. Ingvild Goetz was one of the few private collectors to become involved in video art early on, and consistently. She led the way with this position, as video art deals with technically complex works that are often very costly to care for and install. Over the years, Ingvild Goetz has been able to build up a media art collection that is internationally regarded as one of the most important in the world.

In order to do justice to the collection, the museum building built in 1993 by Herzog/de Meuron in Munich was expanded with BASE103 in 2004. The exhibitions in the collection are a plea for an openness of perception and a steady readjusting of thoughts and notions. ZKM offers for the second time, the opportunity to see a representative selection of media works from the collection: presented will be roughly 60 videos, video installations, and films from thirty artists. Focus of the exhibited works is current productions from 2000 to today. It is the collector's personal concern to show also works by the "youngest generation."

Video-based works are already firmly established as a means of expression in our era. The development of generally valid social questions from personal perspectives is the starting point of many works in this collection.
A great number of artists represented in the Sammlung Goetz do not produce their works for the "white cube" of the museum, but rather, for the cinema. For this reason, the exhibition will be accompanied by a film program shown in the media theater.

An extensive catalogue of works will be published for the exhibition.

July 14th, 6pm: Jochen Kuhn
July 21st, 6pm: Ulrike Ottinger
July 28th, 6pm: Wilhelm Sasnal
Venue: ZKM_Media Theater

Image: Janine Antoni, Touch, 2002, Filmstill, Courtesy Sammlung Goetz © Janine Antoni

Press contact
Friederike C. Walter Head Department PressPhone: +49 (0)721 / 8100 1220 Fax: +49 (0)721 / 8100 1139 E-mail:

Opening: Thurs, June 17th, 7 pm., ZKM_Foyer

ZKM_Center for Art and Media
Lorenzstrasse 19 - Karlsruhe
Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat-Sun 11am-6pm
Mon-Tue closed

Chantal Michel
dal 26/8/2015 al 28/8/2015

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